IEA Contribution to G20 Energy in 2016
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G20 China 2016
The IEA has played a critical role in supporting the energy discussions under the China Presidency of the G20 in 2016. The IEA participated in, among other, the NEA IGU Natural Gas day on 29 June and G20 Ministerial on 30 June.
The first IEA's report dedicated to energy efficiency in China was launched at the G20 Energy Efficiency Forum in Beijing, on 6 September 2016.
To the Beijing Communique
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G20 Energy Efficiency Forum in Beijing
Brian Motherway, Head of Energy Efficiency at the IEA, launched the IEA’s special report on Energy Efficiency in China at the G20 Energy Efficiency Forum in Beijing, China on 6 September.
The report, written with assistance from the Energy Research Institute of China (ERI), is the IEA’s first publication dedicated to energy efficiency in China.