“Hybrid Energy Networks”: Integrating district heating and cooling networks with the electricity and gas grid
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The integration of the different energy networks, such as electricity, gas and heating/ cooling is considered as one of the key measures for decarbonizing the energy system. Although district heating and cooling (DHC) networks traditionally have strong links to electricity and gas networks via combined heat and power (CHP) processes, in the last years, a major step forward has been taken towards the complete integration of the all energy domains.
Aim of the Webinar is to
- understand the current status of integrated DHC networks and see best practice examples
- discuss barriers, trends and solutions for the creation of an integrated energy market
- debate about the situation in Austria, Denmark, Germany, Sweden and United Kingdom
- learn about tools and methods for hybrid energy network planning and operation
The webinar is directed towards:
- Network operators and energy suppliers (DHC, electricity and gas TSO/DSOs)
- Policy makers, energy authorities and associations
- Solution providers, consultancies and engineering offices
- R&D institutes and universities
Attendees may attend free of charge.
Registration is required by Friday, 23rd April 2021 (end of working day) via this LINK. The link for the online participation will be send to the registered participants the day before the webinar.
This Webinar is a side event of the Mission Innovation Austria Online Conference and it is held in the framework of the international cooperation program IEA DHC Annex TS3 „Hybrid Energy Networks“.
More information at http://www.iea-dhc.org/the-research/annexes/2017-2020-annex-ts3-draft.html