How2Guide for Smart Grids in Distribution Networks: drafting workshop
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Workshop report (to be posted)
Workshop presentations
Session 1: Opening remarks
- Kevin O'Rourke, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI)
- Paddy Turnbull, Global Smart Grids Federation
Session 2: How2Guide concept and workshop objectives
- Alex Murley, IEA
Session 3: Smart Grid Project Types and elements
- David Elzinga, IEA
Session 4: Smart Grid Drivers and relation to Smart Grid Project Types
- Colin McKerracher, Bloomberg New Energy Finance
Session 5: Smart Grid deployment considerations and barriers
- Ellen Diskin, ESB Networks
Session 6: Best practice examples to foresee problems and address barriers
- Russ Conklin, United States Department of Energy
- Joe Durkan, SEAI
- Regis Hourdouillie, Ericsson
- Ian Rose, Passiv Systems
Session 7: Smart Grid deployment solutions
- David Elzinga, IEA
Session 8: IEA, SEAI and industry experience in roadmap experiences
- Joe Durkan, SEAI
- David Elzinga, IEA
- Dr Bartosz Wojszczyk, General Electric
Session 9: H2G proposals: Visioning/Scoping/Development
- Alex Murley, IEA
Session 10: H2G proposals: Implementation/Evaluation/Revision
- Alex Murley, IEA
Workshop Conclusions
- Pil-Bae Song, Asian Development Bank