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Global Hydrogen Review 2023

Paris Time

Background information

The annual Global Hydrogen Review tracks hydrogen production and demand worldwide, as well as progress in critical areas such as infrastructure development, trade, policy, regulation, investments and innovation. It compares real-world developments with the stated ambitions of government and industry. This report is an output of the Clean Energy Ministerial Hydrogen Initiative (CEM H2I). 

The focus of the Review is the potentially major role for hydrogen in meeting international energy and climate goals. It aims to help decision makers fine-tune strategies to attract investment and facilitate deployment of hydrogen technologies, at the same time as creating demand for hydrogen and hydrogen-based fuels.  

The Global Hydrogen Review 2023 includes a special focus on demand creation for low-emissions hydrogen; it shows that global hydrogen use is increasing, but demand remains concentrated in traditional uses in refining and the chemical industry and mostly met by hydrogen produced from unabated fossil fuels. To meet climate ambitions, there is an urgent need to switch to using low-emissions hydrogen in existing applications and to expand use to new applications in heavy industry or long-distance transport. 

The IEA has also updated its database of projects commissioned and announced worldwide to produce low-emissions hydrogen to accompany the latest edition of the Global Hydrogen Review. This year, for the first time, a database of hydrogen infrastructure projects and two online tools, one to explore the information provided in the low-emissions hydrogen production projects database and one to access production cost analysis, are being released at the same time. 

The updated data show that the number of announced projects for low-emissions hydrogen production has grown rapidly in the past year, but progress is still hampered due to cost challenges and uncertainty about demand.  

The Global Hydrogen Review and updated data tools will be launched in a webinar event on 31 October at 09:00 – 10:00 (CET). 

During this webinar the authors of the Review and related data tools will present and discuss the main findings of the report and trends observed using the updated data tools.  

Attendees will be given a chance to comment and ask questions during a Q&A session.