Global Energy Efficiency Benchmarking, and Low Energy Buildings and the Role for Smart Management Systems
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This joint workshop, hosted by the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC) has been organised as two sessions:
The first session will feature an update on the G20 Global Energy Efficiency Benchmarking initiative. As part of its 2019 G20 Presidency, the Government of Japan sought to highlight the benefits of benchmarking to drive improvements in energy efficiency, and the IEA provided support to illustrate how benchmarks could be developed for energy-intensive industries, as well as within the transport and building end-use sectors. This work was highlighted in the G20 Karuizawa action plan, and the IEA continues to support Japan in promoting the value of benchmarking activities and analyses to encourage greater international collaboration on data gathering. This session will gather input from IEA member countries, as well as G20 countries, to inform this initiative going forward. Links will also be made to other G20 initiatives such as Energy End-Use Data and Energy Efficiency Metrics (EEUDEEM) under the G20 Energy Efficiency Leading Programme (EELP) coordinated by IPEEC.
The second session aims to explore the steps needed to optimise the energy consumption of buildings while providing safe and healthy environments for people working, studying or in their home. The buildings sector has been a priority for IEA and G20 economies. Sustained efforts to improve energy efficiency in this sector are being conducted by several international initiatives, including the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (Global ABC) that was launched by the Government of France at COP21 in Paris, as well as the Buildings Energy Efficiency Task Group (BEET) under the EELP. The workshop session will draw in particular on elements of the Global ABC Roadmaps, which aim to support increased action towards a low energy, resilient and low emission buildings and construction sector. The role of building design and building operation will be discussed, as well as the increasing role of smart controls in their ability to both reduce buildings’ energy consumption and prepare them interact with the energy supply system now and in the future.