GEVO-23 data collection webinar
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The Global EV Outlook (GEVO) is an annual publication that summarises recent developments in electric mobility across the globe. It is developed with the support of the members and partners of the CEM Electric Vehicles Initiative (EVI).
As part of the process for preparing the GEVO, the IEA collects data from a number of online databases and sources, followed by a verificiation process with governments’ official or designated contact points. The verification process is also used to complete the data sheets with missing information.
This year, the data verification process is expanded to also include the countries that are participating in the GEF-funded Global E-Mobility Programme. The IEA is tasked together with UNEP to set up a tracking framework that builds on the methodology for collecting data for the GEVO. In addition to information on policy and market developments, countries are also invited to share information about demonstration projects and other relevant information.
The GEVO-23 data verification process will also help to inform and further develop other IEA outputs, such as the new TCO tool and the forthcoming tool to assess charging impact on the power system, as well as the IEA road transport database.