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From Roadmaps to Implementation

Workshop — Paris, France


Opening Remarks
Nobuo Tanaka, Executive Director International Energy Agency

IEA International Low-carbon Energy Technology Platform
Amb. Jones, Deputy Executive Director International Energy Agency

Session Chair: Paolo Frankl, Head, Renewable Energies and Technologies, International Energy Agency

Energy Technology Roadmaps and R&D Mapping
Peter Taylor, Head, Energy Technology Policy, IEA

Investing in the Development of Low Carbon Technologies: SET-Plan Technology Roadmaps
Estathios Peteves, Head of Unit, DG, JRC European Commission

Session Chair: Birte Holst Jorgensen, Risoe National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy

IEA Wind Roadmap as a Representative Example
Hugo Chandler, Analyst, Renewable Energies and Technologies IEA

Perspective from Wind Energy Systems Implementing Agreement
Brian Smith, Chair, Wind Energy Systems Implementing Agreement

Global View of Wind Technology RD&D: Status and Plans for Adoption
Steve Sawyer, Secretary General Global Wind Energy Council

European Wind Energy Roadmap: Making Wind the most competitive energy source
Filippo Gagliardi, TPWind Project Manager European Wind Energy Association

Experiences with Wind Roadmaps

Strategic Research Agenda and Roadmaps in Denmark: the Wind Example
Mr. Per Dannemand Andersen and Lykke Margot Ricard, Technical University of Denmark

Roadmapping Activities in Energy Technologies in Russia
Liudmila Orletskaya

Heading Offshore in Germany: Targets, Means, Status
Michael Durstewitz, R&D Coordination Alpha Ventus

Facilitating Renewable Energy Technology Deployment in Developing Countries
Mark Radka, Chief, Energy Branch United Nations Environmental Program

Wrap-up / summary day 1 (oral report)


Moderator: Roberto Vigotti, Chair, IEA Renewable Energy Working Party

Accelerating the move to a low carbon economy
Cath Bremner, Head, Corporate Development Carbon Trust

Wind Energy Growth: Technology in Context
Andreas Lippert, Manager, Alternative Energy Technologies GE Global

From Roadmaps to Implementation
Atul Arya, Head, Policy and Long-Term Strategy BP Alternative Energy

Capital Investment for Renewables
Rupesh Madlani, Head, Global Renewables Equity Research Barclays

Producing Synergies between Environmental Innovation and Markets
Lise Backer, Project Manager, R&D Vestas Global Research

Wrap-up / session summary
Birte Holst Jorgensen, Risoe National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy

Reflection, Discussion and Next Steps
Robert Marlay, Director, Climate Change Policy and Technology U.S. Department of Energy

Workshop Conclusion
Rob Kool, Manager, International Sustainable Development NL Agency