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Forging International Finance Collaboration

Workshop — Stockholm, Sweden


Workshop details

Workshop presentations

Session 1: A global perspective on low-carbon energy technology finance and related policy development

  • Markus Wrake, Head of Energy Supply Technology Unit, IEA
  • Rana Adib, Policy Advisor, REN21
  • Martin Gavelius, Head of Energy, Utilities & Mining, Corporate Finance, PricewaterhouseCoopers Sweden

Session 2: Barriers and gaps: Is low carbon energy technology finance happening fast enough? Why not?

Session 3: Addressing the barriers: What are the available solutions?

  • Peter Storey, CTI PFAN Global Coordinator
  • John Howchin, Secretary General, Swedish National Pension Fund
  • Lars Bierlein, Head of Program Office, Business Innovation, E.ON Sverige AB
  • Berta Pesti, Technical Specialist Climate Change, United Nations Development Programme