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Expert Workshop on Industry Energy Efficiency Benchmarking

Paris Time
Workshop — Paris, France


At this virtual workshop, policymakers and experts in the field of energy efficiency will discuss the benefits of industrial energy benchmarking to support energy efficiency improvements, focusing on concrete and impactful insights learned from global examples. 

The workshop will also launch the final report of the IEA’s work on industrial energy efficiency benchmarking. Initiated by Japan under its 2019 G20 presidency, the report illustrates how global benchmarking can support policymakers to identify major potential for improvements, set and track progress against appropriate targets and enable the sharing of best practices internationally. This workshop will dive deep into key findings in the cement and iron and steel sectors, the importance of data collection, and key policy actions to make it happen. 

This workshop aims to share with the international community: 

  • Key findings of the global benchmarking work on the iron and steel sector as well as the cement sector.
  • The potential of the benchmark approach in the context of identifying saving potentials, set and track efficiency targets and actions and the importance of data collection.
  • Key policy actions to drive industry energy efficiency with some best examples from key countries.


  • IEA, on key findings of the G20 global benchmarking
  • Mr. Masana EZAWA , Director, Energy Efficiency Division, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan.
  • Dr. Ashok KUMAR, Deputy Director General, Bureau of Energy Efficiency, India.
  • Mr. Felipe Klein SOARES, Energy Research Analyst, Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (Energy Research Office), Brazil.
  • Mr. Carlos HERCE, Senior Researcher, ENEA - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, Italy
  • Moderated discussion
