Expert workshop in support of implementing a wind energy technology roadmap for India
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This event was jointly organised by the International Energy Agency (IEA) under the framework of the International Low-Carbon Energy Technology Platform, and the Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation, with the support of the Government of India's Ministry for New and Renewable Energy.
The workshop focussed on exploring key considerations for implementing a national wind energy technology roadmap, based on the methodology of the IEA How2Guide for Wind Energy. As India embarks on an ambitious plan for wind deployment, it was a timely event for participants comprising decision makers from government, industry and civil society.
This workshop was one of a series of engagement activities undertaken by the IEA in 2015 in India, one of the IEA's key partner countries.
Key documents:
Programme overview:
Session 1: Global wind energy outlook and deployment perspectives in India
Session 2: Accelerating wind energy development in India
Session 3: Implementing a wind roadmap for India: from vision to action options
Session 4: Reporting back from groups and take-away messages
Welcome Speeches:
- Mr. Krishan Dhawan, Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation
- Ms. Dagmar Graczyk, International Energy Agency (IEA)
- Ms. Varsha Joshi, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE)
- Mr. Pankaj Batra, Central Electricity Authority
Session 1: Global wind energy outlook and deployment perspectives in India
Moderator: Hugo Chandler / Nick Gibbins, New Resource Partners (NRP)
- The Wind energy Outlook and Policy Framework in India – Mr. Jethani, MNRE
- The business case for wind energy in India: outlook on barriers and actions options – Mr. D V Giri, Indian Wind Turbine Manufacturers Association
- The IEA Technology Roadmap for Wind Energy and the How2Guide conceptual framework – Dagmar Graczyk, IEA
- The Integration Challenge How can power system remain reliable and cost-effective while supporting high shares of variable renewable energy? – Simon Mueller, IEA
Session 2: Accelerating wind energy development in India
Moderator: Deepak Gupta, Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation
- Accounting for Renewable Energy in System Planning: Operational Impacts and Reliability – David Palchak, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
- Group exercise (60min): applying the How2Guidemethodology to analyse barriers relevant to India’s context
- Group A: Focus on project development, regional/national planning (facilitated by Dagmar Graczyk and Nick Gibbins)
- Group B: Grid integration, including data collection and management (facilitated by Simon Mueller, IEA)
- Group C: Wind energy policies and markets / sharing responsibilities, risks and benefits among stakeholders (facilitated by Hugo Chandler, NRP)
Session 3: Implementing a wind roadmap for India: from vision to action options
Moderator: Jon Hansen, IEA
- How2Guide for Wind: Roadmapping in India – Nick Gibbins, NRP (15 min)
- Group exercise (60min): applying the How2Guide methodology to analyse action options relevant to India’s context
- Group A: Focus on project development, regional/national planning (facilitated by Nick Gibbins, NRP)
- Group B: Grid integration, including data collection and management (facilitated by Simon Mueller, IEA)
- Group C: Wind energy policies and markets / sharing responsibilities, risks and benefits among stakeholders (facilitated by Hugo Chandler, NRP)
Session 4: Reporting back from groups and take-away messages
Moderator: Ms. Varsha Joshi, MNRE
- Reports from the three Groups A, B and C based on solutions identified in each of the breakout sessions 3, particularly:
- Key action options and recommendations;
- Timeline and key milestones, with an indication of how progress will be measured.
- Open discussions, Q&A
- Monitoring progress: Milestones, metrics and indicators for monitoring wind deployment – Hugo Chandler, NRP (15min)
Wrap-up and closing remarks by the session moderator