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Evaluating the Multiple Benefits of Energy Efficiency, A Technical Workshop with a focus on the Buildings Sector

Workshop — Paris, France


The IEA launched the book: Capturing the Multiple Benefits of Energy Efficiency at the IEPPEC conference in Berlin last year. Since then the guide has been greeted enthusiastically by the energy efficiency community. However, there is a shortage of reliable evaluation evidence to support policy and programme proposals and engage stakeholders outside the energy efficiency field.

IEA and IEPPEC teamed up and brought together policy makers and evaluators to identify what is needed from multiple benefits evaluations and how that can be delivered.  The workshop focused on the evaluation of macroeconomic, health and well-being and public budget benefits arising from energy efficiency measures in buildings.

The workshop was attended by senior policy makers and evaluators from OECD and developing countries.    (List of Attendees)

Opening Session 1: Setting the Scene

IEA Welcome and Strategic Context, Philippe Benoit, Head of Energy Efficiency & Environment Division, IEA
Policy context and workshop goals, Sam Thomas, IEA
Evaluation challenges,  Charles Michaelis, IEPPEC

Session 2: Health Benefits - Chair: Ed.  Vine

Experience of evaluating the Warm Up New Zealand Programme, Robert Linterman – New Zealand Energy Efficiency & Conservation Authority

Boiler on Prescription- Prescribing health rather than treating sickness,  Paul Burns, Gen-too
Incorporating health benefits in ex ante project appraisal,  Sam Jenkins, UK Department of Energy & Climate Change
Evaluating the health benefits of weatherisation Bruce TonnEvaluating the health benefits of weatherisation Bruce Tonn, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Session 3: Macroeconomics Benefits - Chair: Sam Thomas

A policy perspective on the evaluation issues related to multiple benefits,  Serena Pontoglio,  European Commission
Evaluating the macroeconomic benefits of energy efficiency,  Lisa Ryan, University College Dublin
Quantifying the employment and economic development benefits of stimulus programs in the US, Kathleen Gaffney, DNV-GL

Session 4: Multiple Benefits to Occupants and to Owners - Chair: Brian Dean

Monetising multiple benefits in buildings,  Lisa Skumatz, Skumatz Economic Research Associates
Evaluating the Home Power Savings program,  Michael Reid, New South Wales Office of Environment and Heritage
Valuing multiple benefits for utility and government resource planning,  Peter Lemoine, ICF International