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Evaluating R&D Brussels



Government budgets for energy technology research have declined significantly in real terms since 1980. Yet across the globe government leaders have underlined the need to take action to accelerate deployment of energy technologies. As a result, many governments have increased expenditure, and in a few cases quite substantially, in order to add impetus to existing RD&D programmes and projects, or to explore new, and in some cases, frontier technologies.

An entirely different trend can be seen in the private sector, where R&D expenditures have increased consistently since 1980. However, given the recent worldwide economic downturn, multinational companies are more mindful of reducing costs. And R&D budgets are often one of the first allocations to be reduced.

In both public and private organisations, raising awareness, setting priorities, allocating funding, and designing programmes are all necessary ingredients for technology breakthroughs. However, what ensures that moneys allocated are well-managed or that programmes are successful? Programme evaluation, whether before, during or after project completion, is essential. Whether carried out systematically or on an ad-hoc basis, evaluations provide key information that enables more balanced, informed decision-making. And, as a result, save precious resources.

This event is the last topic in the three-year work programme 2008-2011 of the IEA Committee on Energy Research and Technology (CERT) Experts’ Group on R&D Priority Setting and Evaluation.

Links to Agenda

Concept paper

Role of Evaluation in Transforming Institutional R&D Frameworks
Lars Guldbrand, Director, R&D Strategy, Swedish Energy Agency

Accelerating Energy Innovation Project
Tom Kerr, Joana Chiavari, Energy Technology Policy Division

Tools for Informed Energy Technology Policies and Evaluations
Tobias Wiesenthal, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Joint Research Centre, European Commission

Programme Assessment Rating Tool
Craig Zamuda, Sr. Advisor, Climate Change, Policy and Technology, U.S. Department of Energy

Nordic Energy Technology Scoreboard
Anne Cathrine Gjærde, Director, Benjamin Smith, Adviser, Nordic Energy Research

20-Year Review of R&D Programmes
Robert Marlay, Deputy Director, Climate Change, Policy, Technology, U.S. Department of Energy

Capturing Research Impacts: A Review of International Practice
Sonja Marjanovic, Sr. Analyst, Innovation and Technology, RAND Europe

Evaluating energy R&Dtiming and mechanisms of evaluation
Birte Holst Jørgensen, Riso DTU, National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy

Evaluations Tailored to Meet Policy Needs
Philippe Larrue, Director, Technopolis Group France

FP7 Evaluation Process
Martin Huemer, Scientific Officer, DG Research, European Commission

Workshop Summary and Outcomes
Rob Kool, Chair, Expert Group on R&D Priority - Setting and Evaluation