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EU4Energy Policy Forum on Bioenergy

Event — Vienna, Austria


The International Energy Agency organised a Bioenergy Policy Forum as part of its EU4Energy programme. Globally, bioenergy is the largest renewable energy source, and especially important in the heat sector. In the EU4Energy countries, the bioenergy potential generally remains underexploited and reliance on fossil fuels for heat production is high.  The event was attended by more than 60 participants, including officials and experts from the 11 EU4Energy countries. There were presentations from the European Commission and European bioenergy associations, as well as several country case studies. The discussions focussed on bioenergy barriers, drivers and best practice.


Natalja Miolato, DG NEAR, European Commission


SESSION 1: Overview
Moderator: Ute Collier, IEA

Key considerations for bioenergy heat and power markets
Pharoah Le Feuvre, IEA 

Gathering evidence on solid biofuels use in focus countries
Claire Morel, IEA

Overview of UNECE activities on wood energy
Florian Steierer, UNECE & FAO

SESSION 2: EU4Energy country perspectives
Moderator: Ute Collier, IEA

Biomass policy and practice in Georgia
Murman Margvelashvili, EU4Energy Country Expert

Development and prospects of bioenergy for heat production in Ukraine
Georgiy Geletukha, Bioenergy Association of Ukraine

Renewable energy policy implementation in Moldova: role and impact of biomass resources
Denis Tumuruc, Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure of Moldova 

SESSION 3: International best practice (1)
Moderators: Ute Collier & Pharoah Le Feuvre, IEA

Woodpellets – international market development and trade
Christian Rakos, propellets Austria

Biomass for heat in Austria
Christoph Pfemeter, Austrian Biomass Association

Bioenergy Villages (BioVill) - Increasing the Market Uptake of Sustainable Bioenergy
Martin Höher, Austrian Energy Agency 

Biogas from agricultural residues and waste
Stefanie Königsberger, European Biogas Association 

SESSION 4: International best practice (2)
Moderators: Ute Collier & Pharoah Le Feuvre, IEA

EU renewable energy policy: measures on heating & cooling and bioenergy sustainability
Giulio Volpi, European Commission

Air pollution and modern boilers
Christoph Schmidl, Bioenergy 2020+

Danish industry agreement for sustainable woody biomass
Søren Larsen, Dansk Energi