Energy Technology Perspectives 2020: Focus on long-distance transport
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ETP2020 investigates the role that technologies and innovation will need to play in ensuring a rapid and cost-effective energy transition, with a particular focus on sectors where reducing emissions will prove particularly challenging -- in industry (iron & steel, cement, chemicals) and transport (heavy-duty trucks, shipping, and aviation).
In this session, we will focus on policies and technologies that will be needed to reduce emissions in heavy-duty trucking, maritime shipping, and commercial aviation. We highlight the need to capture near-term technical and operational efficiency opportunities, as well as to accelerate progress from prototypes and demonstrations to commercialisation and adoption of new powertrains and low-carbon fuels for trucks, ships, and aircraft. We further look at the near-term policy opportunities that can be leveraged to put these transport modes on a trajectory to reducing emissions in line with contributing to the pledges made in Paris in 2015.