Energy Technology, Energy Efficiency and Modernization
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Co-organizers: Ministry of energy of the Russian Federation, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, Russian Academy of Sciences, International Energy Agency, Russian Energy Agency, Non-profit organization Global Energy,
Information – Consulting Center RosKon
By the support of: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
Opening Remarks
Stephen Gallogly, Head of Division for Europe, Middle East & Africa, Global Energy Policy, IEA
Marina Lastovskaya, General Director of Russian-French Center for Energy Efficiency
Session1: Energy Technology Perspectives and Russia
Markus Wrake , Head of Energy Supply Unit, Energy Technology Policy, IEA
ETP-2012 with focus on Russian conclusions
Kontorovich Aleksey Emilevich, Research Advisor, FGBUN “IPGG n.a. Trofimuk” CO RAS
Mohammed ZAKI, Vice-President Russia, Total
Makarov Aleksey Aleksandrovich, Director, “Engineering and Ecological Survey, RAS”,
Russian Energy Outlook to 2035
Turbin Aleksei Igorevich, Deputy General Director, CJSC “OMEGA” (OJSC “Transneft”)
Russian Innovation for technological and ecological safety in energy
Discussion. Questions. Answers.
Session 2: Technology Roadmaps, Low Carbon Technology Platform and Smart Grids
Cecilia Tam, Senior Energy Analyst - Roadmaps and Technology Innovation Policy, IEA
Development of Technology Roadmaps and IEA Methodology
Alexander Murley, Energy Technology Policy Analyst (Technology Network), IEA
The IEA’s Low Carbon Technology Platform and How-2-Guides
Yuriy Alekseevich Kovalenko, Director, All-Russian Electronic Technical Instituten n.a. V.I. Lenin”
David Elzinga, Energy Technology Policy Analyst (Roadmaps), IEA
Smart Grid Technologies
Brusnitsin Aleksey Nikolaevich, Head of generation distribution technologies, Fund “Energy without boundaries” (“INTER RAO EES”)
Yann Desnoues, Strategy Director, Infrastructure Business, Schneider Electric
Discussion. Questions. Answers.
Session 3: IEA Energy Efficiency Recommendation and Russia
Nina Campbell, Energy Analyst, Energy Efficiency and Environment Division, IEA
Jungwook Park, Senior Energy Analyst, Energy Efficiency and Environment Division, IEA
Catherine Mantel, Project Director for Russia and UIS of GDF SUEZ
Viktor Philippovich Tsibulskiy, Advisor to the President, Reseach Center, Kurchaktov Institute
Yaroslav I. Shtrombakh, Director of Kurchatov Centre for Nuclear Technologies
Discussion. Questions. Answers.