Energy storage in Germany - R&D for the energy systems transformation
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Part 1: Overview
Welcome - Andreas Hauer
Energy storage in the IEA Energy Technology Network - Introduction to the ECES TCP (Teun Bokhoven, ECES TCP Chair)
German energy policy as key driver for energy storage (S. Semke, PtJ)
Part 2: Energy storage R&D in Germany
Overview of demonstration projects for energy storage in Germany (J. Seier, PtJ)
Thermal storage for process steam generation: The TESIN project (M. Johnson, DLR-TT)
Part 3: The ZAE Bayern
Energy storage R&D: The role of ZAE Bayern (A. Hauer, ZAE)
Site visit of ZAE Bayern
Part 4: Electricity storage
The role of electricity storage in the German energy system of the future (U.Wagner, TU München)
Electric mobility - Perspectives of a car manufacturer (X. Pfab, BMW)
Energiepark Mainz - operational and economic analysis of the worldwide largest power-to-gas plant with PEM electrolysis (M.Kopp, Hochschule RheinMain)