Energy Management Action NetworK (EMAK) workshop 7
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The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ) on behalf of the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry of Japan with support by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, organised this workshop to provide an opportunity to:
- Learn about and share experiences on designing and implementing energy efficiency policies in Russia and different countries
- Better understand ESCO programs in different countries
- Contribute towards domestic and international dialogue and capacity building on energy efficiency measures
This international workshop was organized in conjunction with Russia’s largest energy efficiency forum "ENES 2015". The workshop included presentations from highly respected domestic and international speakers who shared their experiences from Russia, Japan, China, Australia and the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO). There was also discussion on energy efficiency policy and programmes with a particular focus on ESCO programs.
7th EMAK Workshop
Session 1: Opening Remarks
Global Perspectives on Improving Energy Management through ESCO Programs, Dr. Patrick Crittenden, Director, Sustainable Business Pty Ltd, Video Presentation
Welcome from the Government of Russia, Dr. A. Mitreykin, Director, Department on Energy Efficiency, Russian Ministry of Energy, Video Presentation
Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency in Russian Federation, Mr. Vitaliy Kovalchuk, Russian Government's Department of Industry and Infrastructure, Video Presentation
Energy Management System based on ISO 50001 as a Tool for Implementation of the State Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency Policy, Mr. Aleksey Konev, Russian Energy Agency of the Energy Ministry of the Russian Federation, Video Presentation
Session 2: Energy management practices including ESCO program in different countries
Energy Efficiency Policy and Practice in Australia, Dr. Patrick Crittenden, Director, Sustainable Business Pty Ltd, Australia, Video Presentation
Energy Management Practices including ESCO program in different countries; The Case of UNIDO and IPEEC-EMWG, Dr. Marco Matteini, Industrial Development Officer, UNIDO Energy Branch, Video Presentation
Energy Management Regulation and ESCO Industry Update in Japan, Mr. Tetsuya Maekawa (M.Sc.), International Affairs Committee, Japan Association Energy Service Companies (JAESCO), Video Presentation
ESCO development in China - Drivers and Barriers, Ms. Zhao Ming, Vice Director and Secretary General, China ESCO Industry Association (EMCA), Video Presentation
Session 3 : Closing Remarks
Mr. Masayuki Dewaki, Senior Assistant Director, International Affairs, Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy Dept., Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Video Presentation
Dr. A Mitreykin, Director, Department of Energy Efficiency, Russian Ministry of Energy, Video Presentation