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Energy Management Action NetworK (EMAK) workshop 6

Workshop — New Delhi, India


Energy efficiency presents an exciting opportunity for SMEs to reduce energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, energy efficiency can significantly improve the productivity, resilience and competitiveness of the industrial SME sector.  The 6th EMAK Workshop Promoting Energy Efficiency in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Waste Heat Recovery Measures in India was organised  to provide you with an opportunity to learn about and share experiences on designing and implementing energy efficiency policies and programmes for SMEs, identify innovative ways of financing energy efficiency projects, better understand the technical opportunities to reuse waste heat in industrial organisations, initiate and develop networks within and across SMEs, the finance sector, industry associations and government policy-makers at both national and international levels and contribute towards domestic and international dialogue and capacity-building on energy efficiency measures.

This full day workshop included presentations from highly respected Indian and international speakers.


6th EMAK Workshop Promoting Energy Efficiency in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Waste Heat Recovery Measures in India

Welcome address, Mr. Girish Sethi, Director, TERI,  Video Presentation 

Introductory remarks, Ms. Junko Ogawa, Senior Researcher, IEEJ, Video Presentation

Inaugural address, Shri Bhaskar Jyoti Sarma, Secretary , Secretary/DG, Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Government of India, Video Presentation

Background and workshop objectives, Dr. Patrick Crittenden, Director, Sustainable Business Pty Ltd, Australia, Video Presentation

Session 1: Energy Efficiency in SMEs

Energy efficiency in SMEs – a Global Perspective, Dr Patrick Crittenden, Director, Sustainable Business Pty Ltd, Australia,  Video Presentation 

Understanding the SME sector in Asia, with a focus on India, and challenges in terms of improving energy efficiency, Mr Prosanto Pal, Senior Fellow, TERI, Video Presentation

A case study of foundry and steel rolling SMEs in India, Mr. Gaurav Sharma, Institute for Industrial Productivity Office in India, Video Presentation

Enabling Finance for Scaling up Energy Efficiency in MSMEs, Mr Upinder S. Dhingra, Associate Fellow, TERI, Video Presentation


Session 2: Waste Heat Recovery

Waste Heat Recovery: Opportunities in Indian Industry Sector, WHR in MSMEs - Experience from World Bank-SIDBI Project", Mr. Bhaskar Natarajan, DCOP (EE), USAID PACE-D TA Program, Video Presentation

Waste Heat Recovery: Case Study of the Glass Industry Sector, Mr. Sachin Kumar, Fellow, TERI, Video Presentation

Waste heat recovery power generation for cement plants in India, Mr. K.V. Perumal, Manager, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Delhi

Waste heat recovery policy and practices in Japan, Mr. Niro Kitagawa, Energy Conservation Center, Japan, Video Presentation

Waste to Energy - Heat recovery from waste, Mr. Makoto Takano, Deputy head of BU India, Hitachi Zosen India Private Limited, Video Presentation

Session 3 : Panel discussion and Wrap-up

Moderator :  Dr. Patrick Crittenden, Director, Sustainable Business Pty Ltd, Australia, Video Presentation


Mr Rajiv Kumar, DGM, Energy Efficiency Centre, Small Industries Development Bank of India, Video Presentation

Mr M A Patil, Director, Resource Conservation and Management, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Video Presentation 

Shri R N Pandya, Sr. Project. Executive, Energy Conservation, Gujarat Energy Development Agency (GEDA), Video Presentation 

Mr. Girish Sethi, Director, TERI, Video Presentation 

Mr. A Pari, Chairman, Chennai Chapter, The Institute of Indian Foundrymen, Video Presentation 


Closing Remarks: 

Mr. Tomoyoshi Hisamori, Deputy Director, International Affairs Office, Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy Department,  The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (METI), Video Presentation