Energy Interconnection to Address Climate Change
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Time: 11:30-13:00
This workshop will be a platform to discuss the significance of inter-connectivity, energy interconnection model and scenarios will be demonstrated , take this chance, the experience and ideas are also appreciated regarding policy and regulations, trading mechanism, business model, etc.
This workshop was initiated by the regional and global energy Interconnection (RGEI) initiative under the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM), GEIDCO and EDF. This meeting will bring together representatives from government departments, associations, enterprises and other related organs to share their experience in the development of clean energy and energy connectivity.
Moderator: Dr. Lin Hongyu, Director General of Cooperation Bureau, GEIDCO
11:30-11:40 Session 1: Welcome Remark
Welcome remark addressed by MEE, China
11:40-12:30 Session 2: Keynote Speech
Dr. Yang Xiu, Senior Analyst, NCSC, China
Energy Transition Models under Low Carbon Scenarios
Dr. Wang Mou, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Low-carbon Development and Climate Change
Ms. Guo Hongyu, G-Hub Research Institute
Opportunities & Challenges for the Power System Infrastructures Investment under Energy Low-carbon Development
Mr. Wang Zekai, Secretary General, Youthink Center
Youth Talent Education and Global Energy Interconnection
Dr. Zhang Jianyu, Vice President, EDF
Energy Interconnection and Carbon Market
Caroline Lee, IEA
Topic TBD
12:30-13:00 Session 3: Q&A
Communication with Audience