Energy Efficiency Training Week for Southeast Asia 2018
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Photo: IEA
The IEA and the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources co-hosted the largest ever IEA energy efficiency in emerging economies training week. The event brought together 220 energy efficiency professionals across Southeast Asia and consisted of 6 parallel courses on energy efficiency in: buildings; industry; lighting, appliances, and equipment; transport; data and statistics; and policy and programme evaluation.
All participants become part of E4's community of practice through the energy efficiency alumni platform.
Access the agenda and the presentations below.
Day 1 presentations
- Energy Efficiency as First Fuel in Denmark
- Energy Efficiency - The Challenge of Indonesia
- Why Data Matters for Energy Efficiency Policies
- The importance of Evaluation
- Subsidy Reform in the Context of Energy Efficiency
- Energy Efficient Cooling
- 2-3 Wheelers in Southeast Asia
- How to encourage EE Investment in Indonesia
- Promoting EE in Indonesia
Stream 1: Buildings
- Introductory roundtable
- Where to start - Understanding building energy use
- Where to start - Energy efficiency potential in buildings
- Toolkit - Energy efficient building design
- Green Buildings Indonesia
- Toolkit - Energy efficient building technologies
- Where do I get help - IEA TCP
- Toolkit - Enabling investment with policies for energy efficient buildings
- What are the next steps - Building energy codes and standards
- Site visit
- Site visit - Ministry of Public Works Green Building
- What are the steps - Set targets and develop policies
- Did it work - Evaluating the multiple benefits of energy efficiency in buildings
- Did it work - Tracking progress with energy efficiency indicators
- Where do I get help - International and regional initiatives
Stream 2: Lighting, Appliances & Equipment
- Introductory roundtable
- Where to start - Planning Energy Efficiency Programs
- Where to start - Selecting products for MEPS and labels
- Where to start - Assessing current performance of appliances and equipment
- What are the steps - Industry transformation
- What are the steps - Stakeholder involvement and communication
- Toolkit - The relationship between product efficiency and prices
- Toolkit - Insight into energy labels
- Toolkit - Use of ICT to make programs smarter
- Did it work - Tracking progress and assessing the multiple benefits
- Toolkit - Monitoring Verification and Enforcement
- Key Learnings - Further information and best practices
Stream 3: Industry
- Introductory roundtable
- Where to start - Exploring the challenges and opportunities of industrial EE
- Where to start - Making the case for industrial EE
- Toolkit - Consulting with stakeholders
- Toolkit - Selecting energy efficiency programme measures
- Where do I get help
- Toolkit - Energy audit programmes in Asia
- Toolkit - Energy management programme - case studies
- Toolkit - Energy Management
- What are the steps - Programme design scenario
- Did it work - Indicators, evaluating and scaling up programmes
- Toolkit - Looking forward - leveraging ICT
- Final roundtable
Stream 4: Transport
- Introductory roundtable
- Where to start - understanding transport energy use
- Where to start - improving energy efficiency of transport services
- Toolkit - Data to support policy making and evaluation
- Toolkit - Sustainable urban transport
- WRI - Public Transport Improvement
- ITDP - Sustainable Urban Transport Planning
- MRT and BRT in Vietnam
- ITDP - Project Finance
- GIZ Climate Finance
- Activity - Sustainable Urban transport budgeting
- Toolkit - Policy instruments to improve fuel economy
- GFEI introduction
- What are the steps - how to develop policies
- Deep dive - Fuel economy policies for HDVs
- Electric Vehicle Initiative
- Bhutan Sustainable Low-emission Urban Transport
Stream 5: Data & statistics
- Introductory roundtable, why do we need data
- Where to start - Introduction to energy statistics and energy balances
- Indonesian national energy statistical system
- Fundamentals efficiency indicators
- Southeast Asia approaches to developing efficiency indicators
- What are the steps - data for efficiency indicators
- Thailand - Experiences on Energy Statistics and Data Collection
- Malaysia - End Use Survey
- Malaysia's Experience on Energy Data Compilation
- Where to start - Tracking efficiency in the buildings sector
- Toolkit - Efficiency indicators in the residential sector
- Toolkit - Philippines - Residential Energy Efficiency Indicators
- Data reflections from buildings site visit
- Where to start - Tracking efficiency in the industry sector
- Toolkit - Efficiency indicators in the industry sector
- Where to start - Tracking efficiency in the transport sector
- What are the steps - Data for efficiency indicators in the transport sector
- Energy Consumption in the Road Transport Sector
Stream 6: Policy and Programme Evaluation
- Policy and Programme Evaluation
- Indonesian industrial Energy Efficiency Policy
- Malaysia standards and labelling policy