Energy Efficiency Training Week for India 2018
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Photo: IEA
The International Energy Agency (IEA) delivered its first country-focused energy efficiency training course in India with close partnership with BEE. Officials and industry professionals from over 20 Indian states participated in the extensive training programme. Together, they discussed and exchanged best practice, building on their strong knowledge and expanding their networks.
The Training Week consisted of four parallel courses on energy efficiency policy in: buildings; appliances and equipment; industry; and municipal and utility services. Each course offered a mix of lectures, interactive discussions and practical exercises. Throughout the week, participants also explored energy efficiency from creative perspectives, such as a photo competition to make energy efficiency more ‘visible’.
Day 1 presentations
Stream 1: Buildings
- Introductory roundtable
- Where to start: Energy Efficiency Potential in Buildings
- Where to start: Energy Efficiency Potential in Buildings
- Toolkit: Energy efficient building design
- Toolkit: Energy efficient building technologies
- Special Session: IEA's Technology Collaboration Programmes
- Toolkit: Energy efficiency policies and target setting
- What are the steps? Enabling investment with energy efficiency policies
- What are the steps? Implementing codes and standards
- What are the steps? Building operations and procurement
- Special session: The multiple benefits of energy efficiency in buildings
- Did it work? Evaluation and energy efficiency indicators
- Special session: International and regional initiatives that can help
Stream 2: Lighting, Appliances & Equipment
- Introductory Roundtable
- Where to start: Planning energy efficiency programmes
- Where to start: Minimum energy performance standards
- Toolkit: Insights into energy labels
- Toolkit: Incentives and procurement policy
- Special session: IEA’s Technology Collaboration Programmes
- What are the steps? Monitoring, Verification and Enforcement (MV&E) of standards and labelling programmes
- What are the steps? Communication strategies
- Special session. Key learnings: Further information, best practice
- Did it work? Tracking progress and assessing the multiple benefits
Stream 3: Industry
- Introductory Roundtable
- Where to start: Making the case for industrial energy efficiency policy
- Toolkit: Understanding and consulting with stakeholders
- Toolkit: Select energy efficiency programme measures
- Toolkit: Implement programmes
- Toolkit: Looking forward - Adapting energy efficiency measures to leverage the circular economy
- What are the steps? Programme design scenario exercise
- Did it work? Indicators, evaluating and scaling up programmes
- Review: Roundtable discussion on application challenges and the development of action plans
Particpant presentations:
- CEEW - EE Initiatives by Indian MSMEs
- IIP - Circular Economy
- IIP - Energy Efficiency in MSME
- TERI - Technology demonstration in SMEs
Stream 4: Municipal Services
- Introductory Roundtable
- Where to start: Energy use in municipalities
- Where to start: Energy efficiency potential in municipalities
- Toolkit: Energy efficient municipal planning
- Toolkit: Energy efficient technologies
- Special session: IEA’s Technology Collaboration Programmes
- What are the steps? Implementing energy efficiency programmes - target setting
- What are the steps? Enable public energy efficiency investment
- What are the steps? Enable private energy efficiency investment
- Special session. The multiple benefits of energy efficiency for municipalities
- Did it work? Evaluation and energy efficiency indicators
- Special session. International and regional initiatives that can help
Day 4 presentations
The 2018 Energy Efficiency in Emerging Economies Training weeks are made possible thanks to the generous contributions provided by the Governments of Denmark and Switzerland.