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Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Advanced District Heating

Workshop — Kiev, Ukraine


The overarching aim of the workshop is to provide an opportunity for a selection of key international and Ukrainian stakeholders to discuss action options to achieve energy efficiency gains in the buildings sector, including the district heating networks, as well as sharing experiences on regulatory and policy measures that may facilitate energy efficiency technology deployment in Ukraine..

Drawing on the findings of the previous event on 5 November 2014 and building on the fruitful ongoing dialogue and co-operation between the IEA and the SAEE, this workshop aims to the following objectives:

The event was organised by the IEA in the framework of the International Low-Carbon Energy Technology Platform in collaboration with SAEE. The organisers wish to convey sincere thanks to the Government of the United Kingdom for the financial support, and to the European-Ukrainian Energy Agency (EUEA) for the collaboration with communication and information activities relating to the event.

In 2015 two training opportunities were provided to Ukrainian stakeholder in the framework of the Energy Statistics Course in Paris on 2-6 March and during the seminar on Energy Efficiency Indicators for Policy Formulation in Kiev on 24-25 of March.

Additional information is available in this agency announcement.  

Session 1 - Energy Demand in Ukraine and Building Sector Impact

Session 2 - Building Sector Policies to Achieve Energy Efficiency Gains

Session 3 - The Energy Efficiency Technology Landscape: From Building Technologies to District Heating

Session 4 - From Theoretical Frameworks to Implementation: Funding Instruments and Action Options









List of Participants



Opening - Welcome remarks

  • Sergiy Savchuk, Chairman - State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine (SAEE)
  • HE Mr. Simon Smith, British Ambassador to Ukraine
  • Simone Landolina, Coordinator, Int. Low-Carbon Energy Technology Platform - International Energy Agency (IEA)
  • Alyona Babak, Member of the Ukrainian Parliament


Session 1 - Energy Demand in Ukraine and Building Sector Impact

Moderator: Elena Rybak, Vice Chairman of the Board - European-Ukrainian Energy Agency


Session 2 - Building Sector Policies to Achieve Energy Efficiency Gains

Moderator: Simone Landolina, Coordinator, Int. Low-Carbon Energy Technology Platform - International Energy Agency (IEA)


Session 3 - The Energy Efficiency Technology Landscape: From Building Technologies to District Heating

Moderator: Marc LaFrance, Energy Technology Policy Analyst - International Energy Agency (IEA)

Part 1- Building Technologies:

Part 2 - District Heating and Cogeneration:


Session 4 - From Theoretical Frameworks to Implementation: Funding Instruments and Action Options

Moderator: Kostiantyn Taranets, Senior Consultant - Ernst & Young – Cleantech & Sustainability Services