Energy Efficiency Day
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Cosponsers were Ademe and South African Department of Energy
See IEA Activity at COP 17
Welcome from DoE
Ms. Nelisiwe Magubane, Director General
Welcome from IEA
M. Bo Diczfalusy, Sustainable Energy Policy Director
Ms. Dominique Campana, International Affairs Director
Session 1. High-Level Policy Dialogue on Energy Efficiency, Energy Security and Sustainable Development:
Energy efficiency as the Win-Win solution for energy security and sustainable development
M. Richard Jones, Deputy Executive Director, International Energy Agency
Energy Efficiency and the Climate Challenge
M. François Moisan, Executive Director for Strategy, Research and International affairs, ADEME
South Africa’s energy efficiency strategy and policy
Hon. Ms. Dipuo Peters, Minister of Energy
International process for climate change negotiation
M. Serge Lepeltier, French Ambassador for Climate Negotiation
Session 2. Global Energy Efficiency Trends and Policies:
Energy efficiency trends and the IEA’s new energy efficiency policy recommendati
M. Philippe Benoit, Head of the Energy Efficiency and Environment Division
Using energy efficiency indicators to set and monitor energy efficiency policy
Ms Dominique Campana, International Affairs Director, ADEME
Energy efficiency technology development in South Africa
M. Kevin Nassiep, Chief Executive Officer, SANERI
International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation
M. Amit Bando, Executive Director, IPEEC
Session 3. Round Table on Country Energy Efficiency Policies:
EtEnergy efficiency financing policy: South Africa’s Standard Offer Scheme
M. Andrew Etzinger, Senior General Manager, Integrated Demand Management, Eskom
The EUs proposed Energy Efficiency Directive
Ms. Sandra Stevens, Policy Officer - Climate Change, European Commission DG-Energy
India’s Performance-Achieve-Trade (PAT) program for industry
M. P Uma Shankar, Secretary, Ministry of Power, India
Energy Efficiency policy in France
Mr. Pierre-Franck Chevet, General Director for Energy and Climate, French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing
Capacity building for energy efficiency in developing countries
Ms. Fatimata Dia Toure, Director, Institut de l’énergie et de l’environnement de la Francophonie (IEPF)
Energy efficiency policies in the USA
M. Griffin Thompson, Climate Change Program Manager, US Department of State
Session 4. Overcoming Barriers to Energy Efficiency:
Energy efficiency delivery frameworks
M. Grayson Heffner, Senior Energy Analyst, IEA
The Mediterranean example for energy efficiency (MEDENER)
M. Saïd Mouline, General Director, ADEREE
Overcoming the affordable financing barrier in the developing world and emerging countries
Ms. Catherine Garreta, Director, Cross-Operations Issues Department, Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
Supporting energy efficiency for access in West Africa (SEEA-WA)
M. Mahama Kappiah, Executive Director, Ecowas Centre for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE)
Session 5. Sectoral Perspectives:
Prospects and policies for the advent of Net-Zero Buildings
M. Gilles Vermot-Desroches, Senior Vice-President, Sustainable Development, Schneider Electric
Enterprise-wide approaches to power sector energy efficiency improvements
M. Gérard Wolf, Director for International Development, Electricite de France
Whole-system approaches to improving transport energy efficiency
M. Ibrahim Seedat, Director of Public Transport, South Africa Department of Transport; and Councillor Moosajee, MMC for Transportation, City of Johannesburg
Voluntary Agreements for industrial energy efficiency in South Africa
Ms. Valerie Geen, Director, Climate and Business, National Business Initiative