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Electricity Security Across Borders

Workshop — Paris, France


Session 1: Electricity Security Across Borders: assessment tools

The IEA’s Electricity Security Assessment Framework focuses on electricity security at a national level. How countries (or sub-regions within countries) co-operate on electricity security remains an underexplored topic. This session will focus on assessment frameworks for evaluating electricity security at a regional level.

Moderator: Manuel Baritaud, Senior Electricity Analyst, IEA

 Session 2: Examples from Europe

The countries of Europe have extensive experience on regional co-operation for electricity security. This session will focus on the role of regional institutions in fostering co-operation on electricity security in Europe, and the inherent tension between national electricity security goals and international goals.

Moderator: Claude Turmes, MEP, European Parliament

Session 3 Examples from North America

Regional co-operation on electricity security in North America occurs both at a sub-national level (for example, between RTOs and ISOs within the United States) and at an international level, between Canada, the United States and Mexico. This session will explore how regional co-operation functions under both circumstances.

Moderator: Fulvio Fontini, Autorita per l'Energia Elettrica il Gas

Session 4: Examples from other regions

Across the globe, in both OECD and non-OECD economies, previously fragmented markets are becoming ever more integrated. In non-OECD economies this means simultaneously meet growing demand and expand electricity access. Many are also seeking to rapidly increase the penetration of variable renewables into their grids. This session will explore how member countries in other regions and key partner countries are using regional integration as a way of meeting these goals.

Moderator: Matthew Wittenstein, Electricity Analyst, IEA