Digitalisation and decentralisation: How to unleash the full potential of this synergy?
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The Integrated Electricity System Coordination Group (IESCG) of the End-Use Working Party (EUWP) of the International Energy Agency is organising an online meeting on the role of digitalisation in the integration of distributed energy resources to enhance efficiency of energy systems and support decarbonisation. The meeting will provide insights from a number of ongoing initiatives and projects including the IEA’s Digital Demand Driven Electricity Networks (3DEN) initiative and the European Technology and Innovation Platform (ETIP) Smart Networks for Energy Transition (SNET) and will also feature a discussion with 7 IEA Technology Collaboration Programmes. The discussion will focus on the challenges and actions needed to unlock potentials and facilitate new business models and investments, as well as on the policy or regulatory changes needed to accelerate progress. Ultimately, the discussion aims to stimulate ideas for further collaboration between ongoing initiatives and programmes.