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COP23/CMP13/CMA2: 23rd Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Conference — Bonn, Germany


As the world’s leading provider of SOLUTIONS, ANALYSIS, and DATA for the global energy transition, the IEA stands ready to contribute to COP23, with a focus on helping to scale up and speed up the clean energy transition and accelerating sustainable energy access. The IEA has attended COPs since the first meeting (COP1) in Berlin, in order to provide expert advice and support on all facets of energy policy. 

COP23 Delegates: receive a 30% discount from the IEA Bookshop using code "COP23 delegate".

Last updated: 29 November 2017

Key Events

Other events with IEA participation


Buildings Day

Thursday 9 November - 9:00-18:00 - GIZ Office, Plenary Room

• John Dulac, Energy Technology and Policy Division, IEA
• Brian Dean, Energy Efficency Division, IEA


IEA Event: Clean Energy Investment and Market Trends

Thursday 9 November - 17:30-19:00 - IETA Pavilion

The IEA will present three clean energy market publications: World Energy Investment Report 2017, Energy Efficiency 2017 and Renewables 2017 to highlight the latest trends and developments in these clean energy sectors.

• Simon Bennett, Economics and Investment Office, IEA
Brian Dean, Energy Efficiency Division, IEA
Caroline Lee‌, Energy Environment Division, IEA


Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action (MP-GCA) Energy Day

Friday 10 November - 10:00-17:30

Energy Day at COP23 will tell the story of the ongoing energy transformation, showcase success stories, take stock of commitments made, and offer recommendations on the way forward. Participants will share their visions for the future of energy; companies will describe why they are going 100% renewable, leaders of energy efficiency initiatives will demonstrate the business case for their work; state, region and city leaders will discuss ambitious climate and clean energy policies; and industry leaders will showcase innovation and breakthroughs in their fields. Speakers will also identify obstacles and challenges, and the means to overcome them.

GCA Event Overview

Energy Day Agenda


• Caroline Lee, Energy Environment Division, IEA


Achieving energy efficiency from buildings, transportation and industry

Tuesday 14 November - 11:00-12:00 - India Pavilion

India has set forth for itself ambitious Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), which aims at reducing the energy intensity of its GDP by 33 to 35 per cent by 2030 from 2005 levels. The sectors which consumes major share of energy in Indian economy are buildings, transportation and industry. The Government of India, over the years has taken several initiatives focusing on buildings, appliances, transportation and industry.

The session will include experience sharing from government, international partners, building council/ building representative, academia/research institutions and other key stakeholders, followed by the concept of green transportation, in which BEE will focus on decarbonizing options in transportation sector, recent policy initiatives which are adopted for improving fuel efficiency of vehicles, role of sustainable freight in India’s low carbon transition.

• Special address: Brian Motherway, Head of Energy Efficiency Division, IEA


IEA Event: Tracking progress in the development and deployment of clean energy technology

Wednesday 15 November - 10:30-12:00 - Nordic Pavilion

Energy system transformation is underway: tracking progress is essential to assessing progress toward long-term goals. Energy metrics can help unpack what clean energy transition means and how it can be measured. The IEA’s annual Tracking Clean Energy Progress (TCEP) report highlights the overall status and recent progress in developing and deploying key clean-energy technologies. The 2018 edition will seek to expand on this by developing tracking of forward-looking indicators of energy system transformation, enhanced tracking of energy RD&D, and tracking progress at regional levels. Speakers will discuss the value of tracking frameworks for domestic and international action, as well as future challenges.


Chair: Christina Hood, Head of Environment and Climate Change, IEA

• Dave Turk and Peter Janoska, Sustainability, Technology and Outlooks Directorate, IEA
• Hans Jørgen Koch, CEO, Nordic Energy Research
• Fu Sha, Assistant Professor, National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International, China
• Paul Durant, Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, Head of Mission Innovation Secretariat, United Kingdom‌


IEA Event: The role of renewable energy in industry

Wednesday 15 November - 15:30-17:00 - Nordic Pavilion

This session will present a new IEA report and provide examples of increased use of renewable in the Nordic industrial sector. Reducing long-term greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of the industry sector is one of the toughest challenges of the energy transition. Combustion and process emissions from cement manufacturing, iron- and steelmaking, and chemical production are particularly problematic.

This report considers a variety of current and forthcoming options to increase the uptake of renewables as one possible way to reduce industry sector energy and process carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The main finding of this report is that the recent rapid cost reductions in solar photovoltaics (PV) and wind power may enable new options for greening the industry, either directly from electricity or through the production of hydrogen (H)-rich chemicals and fuels. Simultaneously, electrification offers new flexibility options to better integrate large shares of variable renewables into power grids.


• Paul Simons, Deputy Executive Director, IEA

• Cédric Philibert‌, Renewable Energy Division, IEA

• Eystein Leren, Senior Innovation Manager, Yara, Norway
• Mårten Gørnerup, CEO HYBRIT, Sweden
• Benedikt Stefansson‌, Director Business Development, Carbon Recycling International, Iceland‌


IEA Event: Energy transition for low-carbon sustainable development

Thursday 16 November - 9:00-11:00 - German Development Institute

Achieving universal access by 2030, reducing air pollution and addressing climate change are all core elements of the Sustainable Development Goals. The energy sector is at the heart to their achievement. The International Energy Agency's (IEA) World Energy Outlook 2017 (WEO), for the first time, presents a scenario that achieves modern energy for all by 2030 while simultaneously delivering a low-carbon energy transition to meet climate goals and reducing air pollution.

The achievement of such an energy sector pathway will require fundamental changes to the production and use of energy. Following a presentation of the new WEO Sustainable Development Scenario, this side event will discuss the implications for key low-carbon energy technologies, including for their accelerated development, the need for technology transfer, and their market deployment. A distinguished panel of discussants will consider country experiences and will address how collaboration on technologies such as distributed renewable energy has helped boost economic development and improve energy access while supporting countries' efforts to make progress with the respective low carbon energy pathways.


Welcome and opening remarks
• Dave Turk, Director (Acting) of Sustainability, Technology and Outlooks

Energy Access, Air Pollution and Decarbonisation: How can technology collaboration help achieve these goals simultaneously?
• Keynote presentation: Timur Gül‌, WEO Energy Demand Outlook Division, IEA‌‌‌

Panel debate moderated by Simone Landolina, Head of International Partnerships and Initiatives, IEA
• Zitouni Ould Dada, Head of Technology Unit, UNEP
• Arthouros Zervos, Chair of the Bureau, REN21
• James Wilde, Director of Policy and Innovations, Carbon Trust
• Kees Kwant, Chair of the Executive Committee, IEA Bioenergy TCP

Closing remarks and wrap up
• Tilman Altenburg, Head of Sustainable Economic and Social Development, German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik


NDRC-IEA high-level event on climate change and energy transition

Thursday 16 November - 9:30-11:30 - China Pavilion

In the context of global energy transition, there are both new opportunities and challenges for addressing climate change. In order to effectively address climate change and promote energy transition, leading experts in China and abroad are invited to attend the event in discussion of China’s climate actions and international energy cooperation. This event is scheduled to take place at 9:30am – 11:30am on 16 November 2017 at China Pavilion, and is co-organized by the Climate Change Department of NDRC and the IEA.


Opening remarks, moderated by David Bénazéraf, IEA
• XIE Zhenhua, China's Special Representative on Climate Change
• Fatih Birol, Executive Director, IEA

Addressing Climate Change and Promoting Development Transition
LI Gao, Director-General Climate Change Department, NDRC China

Climate Change and Global Energy Policy Transition
• David Turk‌, Director (Acting) for Sustainability, Technology and Outlooks, IEA‌‌‌

Climate Change and China's Energy Revolution
• ZHOU Dadi, Executive Vice President, Energy Research Association, China

Energy Cooperation in the Context of Global Climate Governance
• Aya Yoshida, Head of Asia Pacific Partnerships Division, IEA

Perspectives for the Global Energy Transition: Investment Needs for Achieving the Well Below 2 Degrees

Thursday 16 November - 10:00-11:30 - German Pavilion

What is the role of the energy sector for achieving the global climate targets of holding the global average increase in temperature to well below 2 degrees, as set out in the Paris Agreement? What do energy systems that are compatible with these targets look like and which investments are needed to transform energy systems? This side event aims at presenting the highlights of the recent IEA/IRENA report "Perspectives for the Energy Transition: Investment needs for a Low Carbon Energy System" and at discussing which framework conditions are needed to mobilize the significant energy-system investment needs the report identifies? Recent developments, challenges and opportunities of the global energy transition will be discussed by the authors of the report, and representatives from government, industry and the financial sector.

Welcome by moderator

• Rainer Baake, German State Secretary

Presentation of study results
• Fatih Birol, Executive Director, IEA
• Adnan Amin, Director General, IRENA

Panel discussion including Q&A
Rainer Baake, State Secretary, German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
Fatih Birol, Executive Director, IEA
• Adnan Amin, Director General, IRENA
• Paddy Padmanathan, President & CEO ACWA Power International
Karsten Löffler, Co-Head of the Frankfurt School – UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate & Sustainable Energy Finance


IEA Event: Energy Technologies and Digitalization for a Low-Carbon World

Thursday 16 November - 11:30-13:00 - IETA Pavilion

The IEA will present key results of Energy Technology Perspectives 2017, which assesses technology pathways for accelerated decarbonisation (“Beyond 2°C Scenario”) and highlights the importance of an integrated approach to reach sustainable energy goals. The IEA will also present the recently-released Digitalization & Energy report, which examines how digital technologies could help improve the efficiency and sustainability of energy systems around the world.

• Dave Turk, Director (Acting), Sustainability, Technology and Outlooks, IEA
• George Kamiya‌, Energy Environment Division, IEA


IEA Event: Clean energy technologies: tracking progress and the role of digitalization

Thursday 16 November - 13:00-14:30
Japan Pavilion

Tracking progress in the development and deployment of clean energy technologies, and understanding the impact of these technologies, is critical for advancing the low carbon energy transition. In this side event, the IEA will share results of Tracking Clean Energy Progress 2017, an annual publication which assesses key clean technologies, including electric vehicles, energy storage, and renewable energies, and whether they are on track to meet long-term emissions goals. These key energy technologies, alongside rapid advances in data, analytics, and connectivity, also underpin the digital transformation of the energy system, the implications of which are explored in the IEA’s latest report Digitalization and Energy, which will also be discussed.

Opening remarks
• Fatih Birol, Executive Director, IEA

Wataru Matsumura, Director, Global Environment Partnership Office, Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, Japan
Peter Janoska and George KamiyaPeter Janoska and George Kamiya‌, Energy Environment Division, IEA
• Kelly Simms Gallagher, Professor of Energy and Environmental Policy, Tufts University
Mariano Morazzo, Head of Climate Change and Renewable Energy Policies, Enel
• Pamela Lee, Covering Director of Policy & Planning – Climate Change, National Climate Change Secretariat, Singapore


IEA Event: "Real world" policy packages for low carbon energy transition

Thursday 16 November - 13:00-14:30 - EU Pavilion - Room Brussels

This event will discuss key issues in designing “real-world” low-carbon policy packages, including the role of moderate carbon pricing within the broader policy mix, achieving multiple policy objectives in addition to decarbonisation (such as energy affordability and cleaner air), and interaction of climate and energy policies. The event will also highlight how developed and developing countries are addressing the challenges and opportunities of implementing policy packages in the “real-world” context.

• Christina Hood, Head of Environment and Climate Change Unit


IEA Press Conference

Thursday 16 November - 14:00-14:30 - Bula Zone 3 - Press Conference Room 1

UNFCCC stream

• Fatih Birol, Executive Director, IEA
Dave Turk, Director (Acting), Sustainability, Technology and Outlooks, IEA
Jad Mouawad, Head of News, Information, and Multimedia, IEA


IEA Event: World Energy Outlook 2017

Thursday 16 November - 16:00-17:30 - Nordic Pavilion

This event features the most comprehensive presentation of the 2017 edition of the WEO at COP 23. It will be presented by IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol and followed by a high-level panel discussion.

Welcome remarks
• Hans Jørgen Koch, Executive Director Nordic Energy Research

Dr. Fatih Birol‌, Executive Director, IEA

Josh Frydenberg, Minister of Energy, Australia
• Aziz Rebbah, Minister of Transport, Morocco
• Satu Hassi, MP Finland, former Minister for Environment and Development Co-operation


IEA-European Commission Official Side Event: Major economies working together on Paris Agreement implementation and energy transition

Thursday 16 November - 18:30-20:00 - Meeting Room 7

The event will provide an overview of climate policy collaboration among major economies, including through the G20, the Ministerial on Climate Action (formerly MEF), the Clean Energy Ministerial, the IEA Clean Energy Transitions Programme and other new cooperative undertakings. Panellists will share recent climate policy developments and their vision for the implementation of the Paris Agreement.


Moderated by Fatih Birol, Executive Director, IEA
Miguel Arias Cañete, European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy
Sergio Bergman, Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development, Argentina
Karsten Sach, Director General of Climate Policy, German Environment Ministry


The Contribution of Energy Efficiency Improvement to Global Climate Change Mitigation

Tuesday, 7 November - 10:00-10:50 - China Pavilion

• Melanie Slade, Senior Programme Manager, Energy Efficiency, IEA


Advancing CCUS Implementation

Wednesday, 8 November - 16:00 - 17:30

Juho Lipponen‌, Head of Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies Unit, IEA


Innovation for Energy Access

Friday 10 November - 13:30-15:00 - French Pavilion

• Simon Bennett, Economics and Investment Office, IEA


Human Settlements Day

Saturday 11 November - 13:15-18:15 - Bonn Zone, Davos Room

• Brian Dean, Energy Efficency Division, IEA


Cementing a low-carbon construction sector

Sunday 12 November - 15:00-16:30 - Bonn Zone

Araceli Fernandez‌, Energy Technology Policy Division, IEA


ENGIE event on 2 degrees Celsius

Monday 13 November - 14:00-15:00 (meet with ENGIE at 13.45) - France Pavilion

• Paul Simons‌, Deputy Executive Director, IEA


GCA: Creating Green and Inclusive Transport for Liveable and Resilient Cities

Monday 13 November - 15:00-16:30 - Room 1

• Paul Simons, Deputy Executive Director, IEA


Carbon Pricing Policy Design

Tuesday 14 November - 14:00-15:30 - IETA Pavilion

• Robert Stavins, Harvard University
• Daniele Agostini, Enel
• Jospeh Aldy, Harvard University
• Gilbert Metcalf, Tufts University
• Christina Hood, IEA


World Climate Summit: Unlocking the Secret to Green Innovation: Technologies, Business Models, New Demands Plenary

Tuesday 14 November - 14:30-15:30 - Kahema Grand Bonn

• Paul Simons, Deputy Executive Director, IEA


Addressing Climate Change Issues through Innovation - Release Event of the Roadmap Developed by Innovation for Cool Earth Forum

Tuesday 14 November - 17:45-19:00 - Bonn Zone, Japan Pavilion

• Dave Turk, Director (Acting), Sustainability, Technology and Outlooks, IEA


Transforming Markets for Lighting, Appliances and Equipment: Proven Solutions for Developing and Emerging Economies

Wednesday 15 November - 11:15-11:55 - U4E venue (off-site)

• Melanie Slade, Energy Efficiency Division, IEA


Nuclear Power's Contribution to Climate Change Mitigation

Wednesday 15 November - 14:00-15:30

• Peter Jansoka, Energy Environment Division, IEA


Biofuture Platform High Level Side Event

Thursday 16 November - 18:30-20:00 - Meeting Room 12

Biofuture Platform Vision Statement

Biofuture - ENBiofuture - FRBiofuture - ES

Biofuture@COP23 - Programme

Presentation of the Biofuture Vision Statement
• Ambassador J. Antonio Marcondes, Undersecretary for Environment, Energy, Science and Technology, Brazil

• José Sarney Filho, Minister of the Environment, Brazil
• Ministers from Biofuture Platform Member Countries
Biofuture - IEA speech‌ by Cedric Philibert on behalf of Fatih Birol, Executive Director, IEA
• Adnan Z. Amin, Director-General, IRENA‌‌‌

• Marcelo Khaled Poppe, Center for Strategic Studies and Management in Science, Technology and Innovation (CGEE)
• Plinio Nastari, Counsellor, National Council for Energy Policy (CNPE)

Closing remarks
• Alfredo Hélio Sirkis, Executive Secretary, Climate Change Forum, Brazil
• J. Antonio Marcondes, Undersecretary for Environment, Energy, S&T, Brazil


Promoting Energy Conservation and Affordable Choice of Renewable Energy

Friday 17 November - 10:00-11:00 - Indonesia Pavilion

• Dr. Imam Prasodjo, Ministry of Environment and Forestry

Christina Hood, Head of Environment and Climate Change, IEA
• Paulus Tjakrawan Taningdjaja, APRBOI
• Dedy Haning, HIVOS Sumba Iconic Island Project Coordinator
• Director General of New and Renewable Energy, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
• Fazil Erwin Alfitri, MEDCO Energy


IEA related linksExternal related links

Climate change
Clean energy technologies
Energy efficiency
Energy poverty

IEA COP22 Marrakesh
IEA COP21 Paris
IEA COP20 Lima