CCS Roundtable Workshop
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Poland and other Eastern European countries are important partners in the IEA road mapping exercise, as they have well-established coal industries, technical expertise and an interest in identifying low-cost opportunities for CCS. This is particularly the case with Poland who uses domestic coal reserves for the overwhelming majority of their electricity production.
There were over 50 attendees at the event from the mining, utility, oil & gas and finance sectors, national government, NGOs, research institutes and the European Commission. The round table enabled the IEA to engage these key stakeholders from the region. The information gathered will be used to update global CCS development and provide targeted input into the CCS Roadmap process.
The purposes of this meeting were to:
- Share knowledge of international trends on CCS
- Learn Eastern European perspectives on CCS — challenges and opportunities
- Update the IEA CCS roadmap based on these findings
Polish Roundtable Summary, IEA
Polish Roundtable Summary, demosEUROPA
Tom Kerr, IEA, CO2 Capture and Storage: Global Policy Update
Keith Burnard, IEA, CO2 Capture and Storage: Global Technology Update
Janusz Tchórz, Kedzerzyn-Kozle Power Station, Kedzerzyn CCS Demonstration Project
Krzysztof Domagala, PGE Belchatów Power Plant, Belchatów CCS Demonstration Project
Elzbieta Wróblewska, Ministry of Economy, Clean Coal Technologies, including CCS as a perspective in the draft Energy Policy of Poland till 2030
Andrzej Przbycin, Department of Geology and Geological Concessions, Legal aspects of the implementation of geological storage of CO2 in Poland
Adam Wójcicki, Polish Geological Institute, CO2 Geological Storage Potential in Poland