Blue Sky Research for Energy Technology
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Meeting scope
The goal of this workshop is to learn from examples of how the transition from blue sky research to application has been successfully undertaken in other sectors for example, space research, medicine or solid state physics in the context of microelectronics, and to identify from current basic research selected areas or ideas that might potentially have a huge impact on the energy sector. This should inform an understanding of how different governments engage in, fund, and structure their investments in energy-related basic science programs.
The IEA Experts' Group on Energy R&D and Priority Setting will host a workshop on 14-15 June 2017 in Birmingham, UK. This workshop will focus on blue sky research and its possible contributions to the developing energy system in various countries. With input from speakers representing public authorities, research and the private sector the participants will discuss the rising demand for innovation, specific technologies, various models for applying public funds, target-oriented R&D programs and reasonable incentives to harvest the lessons and results of blue sky science for the development of the energy system of the future.
Target Audience
In addition to EGRD national experts, we are seeking input from RD&D decision-makers, strategic planners, and program managers from industry, academia, think tanks, national laboratories, and government. Participation is by invitation only.
Session 1: Introduction
Chair: Gavin Harper, University of Birmingham
Welcome: Prof. Martin Freer, University of Birmingham
Introduction: Rob Kool, Chair, EGRD
1. Blue Sky Research: Ryan Bayliss, Oxford University
2. Disruptive innovation : Carrie Pottinger, IEA
Session 2: From Blue Sky research to new emerging technologies – and beyond
Chair: Birte Holst-Jorgensen, Danish Technical University
3. Sustainability in turbulent times: Mike Colechin, Energy Technologies Institute
4. Battery technology and basic science: Prof. Peter Slater, University of Birmingham
5. UK cyber programme: Richard Thomas, University of Birmingham
Session 3: Converging and enabling technologies for energy
Chair: Johannes Tambornino
6. Reducing critical materials through chemical catalysis: Prof. Joe Wood, Birmingham Centre for Strategic Elements and Critical Materials
7. Foresight applied to energy: Miloud Ouad, Fraunhofer UMSICHT
8. Welcome to the ETA-Factory: Ann-Christin Frensch, TU Darmstadt
Session 4: Use-inspired basic research and innovative processes
Chair: Alexander McLean
9. The promise of fusion: Prof. Ian Chapman, United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
10. Spin-offs from space: Prof. Stuart Irvine, Centre for Solar Energy Research, Swansea University
11. Innovation research in Japan and negative CO2 emissions technology : Atsushi Kurosawa, Institute of Applied Energy
12. The quantum techologies hub: Prof. Kai Bongs, UK Quantum Technology Hub
13. Bringing nanotechnology into LEDs: Jaime Gomez Rivas, Technical University Eindhoven
Session 5: Policy and regulatory frameworks
Chair: Rob Kool
14. Integrating disruptive innovation into energy foresight: Jonathan Radcliffe, University of Birmingham
15. Mission Innovation Materials Challenge: Nelson Mojarro Gonzalez, Energy Sustainability Fund for Europe, Mexico
16. New concepts in energy research, a pilot call for innovative projects: Tone Ibenholt, Research Council of Norway
17. Energy research under future and emerging technologies (FET): John Magan, European Commission
Session 6: Synthesis and take-aways
Chair: Johannes Tambornino
Panel discussion