Bioenergy, CCS and BECCS: Options for Indonesia
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The world needs ever increasing energy supplies for sustainable economic growth and development. But energy resources are under pressure and CO2 emissions from today’s energy use are already threatening our climate. What options do we have for switching to a cleaner and more efficient energy future? Carbon capture and storage (CCS), bioenergy, and the combination of bioenergy with CCS (‘BECCS’) are essential elements in a portfolio of technologies aimed at mitigating climate change.
The scope of this workshop is to explore the role these technologies could play in Indonesia’s energy and climate policy. The workshop is organised by the IEA in cooperation with the Republic of Indonesia’s Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (KESDM) and President’s Delivery Unit for Monitoring and Oversight (UKP4), the School of Business and Management at Bandung Institute of Technology (SBMITB) and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA).
This workshop is a follow-up on an expert’s meeting on BECCS held jointly by the IEA and IIASA in Laxenburg, Austria in November 2011. Read the Opening remarks.
For background reading relevant to the topics of this workshop, a recent study on Development of the Indonesian Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) Framework highlights key issues in addressing potential funding mechanisms that could be relevant for BECCS.
The combination of bioenergy with carbon capture is a carbon reducing technology that can achieve net removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This is a significant advantage over other mitigation alternatives, which only decrease the amount of emissions to the atmosphere. The relevance of BECCS for achieving climate change mitigation objectives was highlighted in a seminal paper in Science in 2001.
Work by the IEA has focused on clarifying issues related to the sustainability of biomass when accounting for negative emissions under UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol, and on establishing a policy framework for incentivising BECCS and CCS.
Opening Session - CCS and bioenergy in a Global Climate Change and Energy Context
Welcome note (Indonesia) from Kuntoro Mangkusubroto (Head of UKP4)
Opening remarks from Wolf Heidug, Senior Analyst, IEA
Opening remarks from Director General for New and Renewable Energy and Conservation, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
Session 1 - Understanding BECCS: from Biomass to Storage
Session Chair – Ping Yowargana, UKP4
Session Rapporteur – Wolf Heidug, IEA
Dennis Best, IEA - The role of CCS as an option to reduce CO2 emissions - Options for CCS applications: power, industry, CO2-EOR, BECCS
Sabine Fuss, IIASA - BECCS today status and gaps: Results from the IEA-IIASA Workshop on BECCS
Michael Obersteiner - Biomass use in a climate context and sustainable Potentials for BECCS
Rick Causebrook, Geologist - Principles of the geological storage of carbon dioxide
Session 2 - The Bigger Environment: Setting Context for Policies and Objectives
Review Indonesia Climate, Biomass and CCS policy
Session Chair: Wolf Heidug, IEA
Session Rapporteur: Sabine Fuss, IIASA
Farhan Helmy, National Climate Change Council - Picturing Bioenergy and CCS in Indonesia's Energy and Climate
Maritje Hutapea, MEMR - Indonesia's Bioenergy and Biomass Policies
Usman Pasarai, R&D Centre Lemigas,
Costs and Emissions Reductions
Session Chair: TBD, MEMR
Session Rapporteur – Sabine Fuss, IIASA; Ping Yowargana, UKP4
Stefan Gronkvist, KTH – Bio-energy, CCS and BECCS Options for Indonesia
Michael Obersteiner - Exploring negative emissions potential - a global perspective
Wolf Heidug – Reporting and accounting for negative emissions under UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol
Session 3 - Framing BECCS in Indonesia
Sources and Sinks (Experts Meeting Room)
Session Chair: TBD, MEMR
Session Rapporteur: Florian Kraxner, IIASA
Kamaruddin Abdullah, Darma Persada University - Supply chain issue in developing Bioenergy in Indonesia
Bambang Prastowo, Ministry of Agriculture - Biomass availability and identification of feedstock potential
Jonatan Handojo, Growth Steel Group, - Exploring business opportunities from bioenergy application in Indonesia, part 1, part 2
International Perspectives
Session Chair: Florian Kraxner, IIASA
Session Rapporteur: Dennis Best, IEA
Rick Causebrook, Geologist - Storage Capacity estimation and defining a methodology for BECCS storage assessments
Tom Mikunda, Energy Center of the Netherlands – CCS and BECCS, Policy and public support challenges
Nyoman Iswarayoga, Climate Change and Energy Director, WWF - Sustainability and biomass potential, linking to ecosystem services
Session 3 Roundtable
BECCS Roundtable I: Synthesizing Bioenergy and CCS – Towards A Systems Approach to Harnessing Benefits (Chaired by Florian Kraxner, IIASA) Dialogue question: What steps are taken to address two scenarios? BECCS is deployed, BECCS is not deployed
Day 1 Closing remarks and announcements
Dennis Best, IEA; Agung Wicaksono, UKP4
Session 4 - Experts Meetings
A Reflection of Workshop Day 1 – Rapporteur’s Remarks – Florian Kraxner, IIASA
Exploring International funding mechanisms for Bionergy, CCS and BECCS
Session Chair: Wolf Heidug
Session Rapporteur: Dennis Best, IEA
Paul Chambers, UK DECC - Climate Change Funding Mechanisms and International Cooperation on Climate Change
Dieter Brulez, GIZ - Gesellschaft fuer internationale Zusammenartbeit - The Climate Context of Bioenergy and CCS in Indonesia: Options and Challenges
Hardiv H. Situmeang, ASEAN Centre for Energy - Financing Bioenergy and CCS-challenges and opportunities
Agus Sari REDD+ Funding instruments Working Group Indonesia’s experience with international funding mechanisms, CDM, NAMAs, etc
Pradeep Tharakan, ADB - Project development requirements and financing options for CCS and BECCS
Session 4 Roundtable
BECCS Roundtable II: Reflection and Prioritization for identifying next steps (Chair: TBD, MEMR)
Opportunities and challenges: Wolf Heidug, IEA
Dialogue question: How do we ensure that we address opportunities and risks of BECCS deployment?
Open Consultation Roundtable III: Bionergy, CCS and BECCS: Outlining Indonesia’s BECCS potential and next steps (Chaired by MEMR)
- Framing a global dialogue for Bioenergy, CCS and BECCS: Dennis Best, IEA
- Rapporteur’s Remarks Day 2: Florian Kraxner, IIASA
The IEA has engaged in a series of workshops and expert meetings in partnership with the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and experts around the world to explore the opportunities and challenges for developing this option in key regions.
More information on previous workshops and meetings available at:
IEA-IIASA BECCS Experts Meeting (2012)
Bio-energy and CCS (BECCS): Options for Brazil (2013)
Workshop organised by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, NUPPREC and IEA
Bioenergy: Opportunities for Mitigation, Negative Emissions and BECCS
ICBT-WBS Changsha, Hunan Province, China 2014 Session