Bio-energy and CCS (BECCS): Options for Brazil
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Day 1 – Thursday, 13 June
Session 1: Chair: Wolf Heidug, IEA, Establishing the global context: Bio-energy and CCS: why it is important and where do we stand?
Dennis Best, Energy Policy Analyst, IEA, Bio-Energy, CCS and BECCS: the Global Energy and Climate Context .
Sabine Fuss, Mercator Research Institute (MCC), Germany, Negative emissions potential for BECCS – results from the Laxenburg Workshop
Agung Wicaksono, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) Indonesia, Negative emissions potential for BECCS – results from the Indonesia Workshop.
Florian Kraxner, Ecosystems Services Program (ESM), IIASA, Austria, The REDD+BECCS connection, assessing global potentials and sustainability .
Session 2: Chair: Henrik Karlsson, Biorecro, Sweden, BECCS in Practice Lessons and Pilot Demonstration
Jessica Morton, Global CCS Institute, Australia, Overview of global BECCS projects.
Chris Greig, University of Queensland, Australia, Lessons Learned – A perspective from CCS project developers a focus on storage.
Atsushi Kurosawa, Director, Global Environment Program, Research and Development Division, The Institute of Applied Energy (IAE), Japan, Biomass Energy R&D and CCS Status in Japan
Session 3:
Session Chair: José Moreira, Professor, Institute of Energy and Environment, University of São Paulo, (IEE/USP) Brazil, Establishing the Brazilian context - climate change, biomass and CCS – the Brazilian situation
Joachim Seabra, Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Planejamento Energético, NIPE/UNICAMP, Brazil, Policies on climate change, biomass and CCS
André M. Nassar, Institute for International Trade Negotiations (ICONE-Brasil), Brazil, Classifying Biomass sources the experience of the Brazilian Ethanol Industry
Paulo Soares, Planning Director, DEDINE, Brazil, Private sector activities and strategies
Rodrigo Iglesias, Centro de Excelência em Pesquisa sobre Armazenamento de Carbono, PUC-RS (CEPAC/PUC-RS), Brazil, Brazil’s storage capacity
Session 4:
Session Chair: Dennis Best, IEA, Key Sectors, Challenges and Economics
Michiel Carbo, Energy Centre for the Netherlands, Applying BECCS: Sectoral Overview
Robert Williams, Senior Research Fellow, Princeton University, USA, Examining costs and criteria for near term BECCS pilots
Antti Arasto, Senior Scientist, Team Leader Fuel Conversion, Energy Concepts, VTT Technical Research Institute of Finland, Roadmap for Bio-CCS in Nordic Countries and the European Perspective to Large Scale Deployment
Sabine Fuss, MCC, Examining Costs – A case study (The Indonesia Case)
Session 5: The Policy Dimension of Sustainable Feedstock Supply and REDD+, Chair: Sergio Pacca, NUPPREC/IEE/USP
Raoni Rajão, Professor, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil, REDD+ - Policy challenges
Florian Kraxner, IIASA, Sustainable bioenergy feedstock-global scenarios and outlook.
Marcelo Leite, Science Journalist, Editor of Opinião, Folha de São Paulo, Brazil, Considering the Future Energy Mix and Political options for Brazil
Session 6: Policies and incentives, Chair: Florian Kraxner, IIASA
Rob Finley, Illinois State Geological Survey (IGS), USA (remote presentation)
Wolf Heidug, IEA, UNFCCC Funding mechanisms: international, bilateral and multilateral
Kentaro Aoki, (UNIDO), UNIDO’s technical cooperation on bioenergy application and biofuel screening tool
Jose R Moreira (IEE/USP), BECCS in Brazil – perspectives on development
Session 7, Identifying opportunities and challenges, Chair: Dennis Best, Energy Policy Analyst, IEA
Defining three opportunities? (discussion led by USP),
What are three challenges? (discussion led by IEA)
What are the three synergies? (discussion led by IIASA)
Break Out Session 2nd Day
The IEA has engaged in a series of workshops and expert meetings in partnership with the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and experts around the world to explore the opportunities and challenges for developing this option in key regions.
More information on previous workshops and meetings available at:
IEA-IIASA BECCS Experts Meeting (2012)
Bioenergy, CCS and BECCS: Options for Indonesia (2012)
Workshop organized by the IEA, Republic of Indonesia KESDM & UKP4, SBMITB and IIASA