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BEE-IEA Roadmap for Mainstreaming EE in Residential Buildings in India: kick-off

Paris Time

The India Roadmap for Mainstreaming EE in Residential Buildings

The International Energy Agency (IEA) along with Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) are working together on “Developing a roadmap for mainstreaming energy efficiency in the Indian residential building sector”.
The overall aim of the project is to:

  1. Mainstream energy efficiency in high-rise and affordable housing building sector in India
  2. Facilitate the adoption of the residential building code (ECBC-R) and the adoption of other voluntary green building standards and star rating systems for residential buildings;
  3. Promote the use of low-carbon materials, more integrated urban planning, and clean energy integration in new building design; and
  4. Develop a strategy to reach nearly zero energy residential buildings in India.

The Residential Building Roadmap will build upon the GlobalABC roadmap for Asia, and focus on the implementation of the suggested actions that have been identified as being necessary to reach zeroemission, efficient and resilient buildings. Specifically, the roadmap will focus on new building design and construction, how new buildings affect urban planning issues, how to decrease the embodied,carbon of building materials, and how to ensure buildings are integrated with an increasingly clean energy system.

For each of these topics, the roadmap will identify the key issues, highlight existing policies and programmes, and suggest the key actions that different stakeholder groups can take to contribute towards energy efficient residential buildings, along with a methodology for tracking progress and setting targets. One of the pillars of the roadmap process will also be to identify the different benefits that energy efficient buildings bring to different stakeholder groups, in order to increase buy-in and collaboration. Such benefits include increased affordability of energy services, increased thermal comfort, reduced air pollution, job creation, as well as other priorities of the Government of India and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Key to this process is understanding the motivations and perspectives of different stakeholders acting in the long value-chain of buildings and construction. In order to kick-off a series of consultations, the IEA and BEE are hosting a launch presentation, followed by a panel discussion with several policy-level actors.

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