Advancing towards an efficient, affordable, sustainable future in Latin America
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Securing clean, affordable, modern and sustainable energy for all is critical. Globally, 785 million people lack access to electricity and 2.6 billion people do not have access to clean cooking. Energy efficiency and renewable energy must work hand-in-hand to reach this important goal.
This opening event will focus on the challenges and opportunities to achieve equitable clean energy transitions in Latin America and the Caribbean. It will launch a week of capacity building and exchange among policymakers and experts from around the region focused on energy efficiency.
The launch event will bring together leaders from the region to discuss how to advance energy efficiency. Speakers will include global and regional leaders on energy, energy efficiency, and energy transitions. It will be fully open to the public and streamed in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Energy Efficiency Policy Training Week
The Energy Efficiency Policy Training Weeks are one of the pillars of the IEA’s cooperation with emerging economies. The IEA has held 12 training weeks around the world, engaging more than 1,800 energy efficiency professionals from 120 countries.
This year the International Energy Agency (IEA) has joined with the Government of Panama, the development bank of Latin America (CAF), the Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme (ESMAP) and the World Bank to deliver its first ever virtual training week from 2-6 May 2022.
The week-long event will gather 200 professionals from the region in three parallel courses on energy efficiency in: buildings, appliances and equipment, and indicators and evaluation.