7th Annual IEA-IETA-EPRI Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading Workshop
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For the 7th consecutive year, the International Energy Agency, the International Emissions Trading Association and the Electric Power Research Institute hosted their international emissions trading workshop in Paris, on 8th-9th October, 2007. The workshop provided an opportunity for government, business and NGO stakeholders in the emissions trading debate to discuss some of the key issues relating to international climate policy.
The workshop combined presentation of papers on recent research, together with extended discussion sessions on the following subjects:
- Country Roundtable: emerging greenhouse gas markets;
- Market news;
- Developments in North America and impact on international markets;
- Allocation;
- Sectoral approaches;
- Emissions trading and technology development;
- European Union emissions trading scheme: status and next steps; and
- Wrap-up roundtable: post-2012 and emissions trading mechanisms.
List of participants
Opening Remarks
Noé van Hulst, Director of the Long-Term Co-operation and Policy Analysis Office, IEA
Andrei Marcu, Executive Director, International Emissions Trading Association, (IETA)
Tom Wilson, Technical Executive, Global Climate Research Program, Electric Power Research Institute, (EPRI)
Session 1 - Country Roundtable: Emerging GHG Markets
Chair: Rick Bradley, IEA
Speakers: From the following countries/regions:
Australia: Barry Sterland, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Canada: Judith Hull, Environment Canada
United States: Adam Diamant, EPRI
New Zealand: Catherine Leining, Treasury
Session 2 – Market News
Chair: Andrei Marcu, IETA
Speakers: Louis Redshaw, Barclays Capital
José Luis Pastor, Endesa
Gia Schneider, Credit Suisse
Dirk Forrister, Natsource
Commentator: Martin Hession, DEFRA
Session 3 – Developments in North America and Impact on International Markets
Chair: Adam Diamant, EPRI
Speakers: Franz Litz, Center for Climate Strategies
Joe Nation, Environ Consulting and Stanford University
Scott Weaver, American Electric Power
Mike Scheible, Deputy Executive Officer, California Air Resources Board
Commentator: Peter Zapfel, European Commission
Session 4 – EU Emissions Trading Scheme: Status and Next Steps
Chair: Andrei Marcu, IETA
Speakers: Peter Zapfel, European Commission
Paul Dawson, Citibank
Koen Dejonghe, Statkraft
Denny Ellerman, MIT
Commentator: Nuno Lacasta, Ministry for Environment, Spatial Planning and Regional Development, Portugal
Session 5 – Allocation
Chair: Tom Wilson, EPRI
Speakers: Daniel Radov, NERA
Joe Kruger, National Commission on Energy Policy
Nick Campbell, Arkema
Commentator: Maurits Blanson-Henkemans, Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Netherlands
Session 6 – Sectoral Approaches
Chair: Noé van Hulst, IEA
Speakers: Richard Baron, IEA
Vincent Mages, Lafarge
Eliano Russo, Enel
Karl Buttiens, Arcelor Mittal
Joachim Ehrenberg, DG Enterprise
Commentator: Susumu Okamoto, METI, Japan
Session 7 – Emissions Trading and Technology Development
Chair: Tom Wilson, EPRI
Speakers: David Montgomery, Charles River Associates
Karsten Neuhoff, University of Cambridge
Will Blyth, Oxford Energy Associates
Bob McNally, Tudor Investment Corporation
Commentator: Teresa Ribera, Ministry of the Environment, Spain
Wrap-up Roundtable: Post-2012 and emissions trading mechanisms
Chair: Richard Baron, IEA
Speakers: Robert Stavins, Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government
Joanna Lewis, Pew Center
Commentator: Jill Duggan, DEFRA