6th CCS Regulatory Network Meeting: Taking stock of progress and identifying next steps?
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A flurry of activity took place between 2005 and 2011 during which time many OECD governments developed and implemented regulatory frameworks for geologic storage; since then, the pace of developments in the area of CCS law and regulation has slowed. In countries that have regulatory frameworks for CCS, the extent to which these frameworks have been tested varies: some governments have detailed frameworks that are being applied to demonstration projects (e.g., United States, Alberta) while others have detailed frameworks but few projects (e.g., Australian Federal Government, European Union member states). Of course, many other countries have yet to establish frameworks, but have processes underway that may lead to their development (e.g., New Zealand, South Africa) in the near future. The objective of this meeting is to better understand progress to date around the world, develop a more complete understanding of the next steps for countries at all stages of regulatory development, and provide a forum for information sharing that can allow all countries to benefit from the lessons that are being learnt today.
Please find agenda attached.
Session 1: Developing regulatory frameworks Chair: Nigel Bankes, University of Calgary, Canada
New Zealand: Barry Barton, The University of Waikato, New Zealand
Indonesia: F.X. Sutijastoto, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesia
GCC Countries: I-Tsung Tsai, Masdar Institute, United Arab Emirates
South Africa: Muzi Mkhize, Department of Energy, South Africa
Japan: Ryozo Tanaka, RITE, Japan
Botswana Oarabile Seiphemo, Department of Geological Survey, Botswana
Session 2: European developments Chair: Navraj Singh Ghaleigh, Edinburgh Law School, United Kingdom
Norway: Mette Agerup, Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, Norway
Poland: Adam Wójcicki, Polish Geological Survey, Poland
Germany: Almut Fischer, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Germany
Upcoming review of the EU Directive: Beatrice Coda, European Commission
Session 3: Developments in North America Chair: Wendy B. Jacobs, Harvard Law School
US Federal environmental regulations for geologic storage: Bob van Voorhees, Carbon Sequestration Council, United States
Regulating the US DOE RCSP projects: Jarad Daniels, United States Department of Energy
Canadian federal and select provincial developments: Kathryn Gagnon, Natural Resources Canada
Alberta: Rob Bioletti, Alberta Energy
Session 4: Trends, challenges and next steps in CCS regulation Chair: Ian Havercroft, GCCSI
Funding the transfer of liability Nigel Bankes, University of Calgary, Canada
Barry Barton, The University of Waikato, New Zealand
Managing Uncertainties in CCS: Patterns and/of FinanceNavraj Singh Ghaleigh, Edinburgh Law School, United Kingdom
Trends, Challenges, and next Steps in CCS regulation: Wendy B. Jacobs, Harvard Law School, United States
Session 5: Emerging findings from research that may impact regulation of geologic storage: Chair: Tim Dixon, IEAGHG
Soil gas monitoring techniques and implications for MMV plans: Katherine Romanak, University of Texas at Austin, United States
Offshore monitoring for geologic storage: Douglas Connelly, National Oceanography Centre, United Kingdom
Risk management and best practice for CO2 storage site closure – key messages from the CO2CARE project: Jens Wollenweber, TNO, Netherlands
Reducing risk and uncertainty through modelling Grant S. Bromhal, National Energy Technology Laboratory, United States
Session 6: The relationship between standards and regulation Chair: Barry Barton, The University of Waikato, New Zealand
The role of international standards in harmonizing environmental performance: Céline Kauffmann, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
How does industry use standards? Denis Deutsch, TOTAL, France
ISO TC 265 Process and update: Hervé Quinquis, IFP Energies nouvelles, France
What does CSA 741-12 say about geological storage? Sean McCoy, IEA
Closing Session: Trends, challenges and next steps
IEA CCS Law and Regulation Database: Sean McCoy, IEA
How can the network help you? Juho Lipponen, IEA