5th IEA-IEF-OPEC Symposium on Gas and Coal Market Outlooks
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Background information
The 5th IEA-IEF-OPEC Symposium on Gas and Coal Market Outlooks will examine to what extent demand, supply and investment trends that were already in motion have been altered by the Covid-19 pandemic and the implications for the future of natural gas and coal. A distinguished line-up of experts will offer their diverse perspectives on what these shifting variables mean for clean energy transitions, energy market stability, investment outcomes and government policy.
Agenda and presentations
- The Short-Term Outlook for Natural Gas and Coal
- The Post-COVID Recovery – Short-Term Implications for Natural Gas and Coal
- The GECF’s Natural Gas and Coal Outlooks
- Gas Market Dynamics and Drivers Post-Covid: New Trend of Gas Decarbonisation (as new normal) and Related Producers’ Efforts
- China Coal Markets in the Short Term
- LNG: Market Flexibility & Short-Term Recovery
- The Long-Term Outlook for Gas and Coal Markets
- The Medium- to Long-Term Prospects for Gas and Coal
- A Vision of Coal Perspectives in India
- LNG Outlook Medium & Long Term
- Net Zero and the Role of Gas and Coal in Energy Transitions