3rd Universal Meeting of IEA Technology Collaboration Programmes
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The IEA global innovation network
Innovation is an essential underpinning of energy sector transitions worldwide. Given the growing complexity and interconnection of energy systems, cooperation and networking can increase effectiveness and maximise the impact of innovation efforts. Multilateral coordination can also facilitate greater confidence to align individual and collective action in terms of priorities, technology areas and desired goals for energy sector transition.
Technology Collaboration Programmes (TCPs), a multilateral mechanism established by the International Energy Agency (IEA), have facilitated collaborative energy innovation for 45 years. Thousands of experts from governments and industries worldwide contribute to the unique breadth of technology and expertise within the IEA global innovation network, consisting of 38 TCPs. Since 2015, the IEA has hosted a biennial TCP Universal Meeting to promote and increase the potential of this evolving asset.
2019 TCP Universal Meeting
At the direction of the IEA Committee on Energy Research and Technology (CERT) and the IEA Standing Group on Long-Term Co-operation (SLT), the 2019 TCP Universal Meeting provides a timely opportunity for policy makers, TCP representatives, and leading strategic thinkers to discuss current trends to inform future priorities for energy research and innovation.
This meeting aims to:
- Identify strategic priorities for shared IEA and TCP work on energy technology and innovation
- Support membership growth within the TCPs and increase engagement with governments and private sector
- Strengthen partnerships among TCPs and with other leading international initiatives
- Enhance TCP operations and communication by comparing experiences, sharing new developments, exploring best practice approaches, and enabling networking
This event convenes a broad group of experts and decision-makers from within, and beyond, the TCP community. Outcomes of the meeting will inform preparations for the IEA Ministerial in 2019 and contribute to the ongoing implementation of the IEA Action Plan for TCP Enhancement. The meeting is informal in nature and held under the Chatham House Rule. Attendance is by invitation only.
Technology Collaboration Programmes (TCPs) are independent, international programmes that enable experts from governments and companies around the world to carry out a wide range of activities such as energy research, technology analysis and capacity building. The TCPs are a critical, member-driven part of the IEA family, but they are functionally and legally autonomous from the IEA Secretariat.
Today, an estimated 6,000 experts from nearly 300 public and private sector organisations from 54 countries participate in TCPs across several technology or sector categories: energy efficiency end-use technologies (buildings, transport, industry and electricity), renewable energy and hydrogen, fossil fuels, fusion power, and cross-cutting issues.
Please note that attendance is by invitation only.
Meeting documents
Welcome remarks by Dr. Fatih Birol, Alicia Mignone & Kent D. Logsdon
Keynote by Dave Turk
Session 1: Exploring future energy trends : innovation priorities and policy implications
Presentation by Arnulf Grübler
Presentation by Jon Creyts
Presentation by Michael Webber
Presentation by Julia Reinaud
Presentation by Kazushige Tanaka
Presentation by Bert Stuij
Session 2: Strategic vision for TCPs towards 2030
Presentation by
Presentation by Ana Brito e Melo
Presentation by Stefan Nowak
Presentation by Detlef Stolten
Session 3: Cooperation with emerging economies: opportunities, challenges, and lessons learned
Moderator: Dave Turk
Presentation by Sangita Kasture
Presentation by Agnes da Costa
Presentation by Luciano Caratori
Session 4: Strenghtening linkages across multi-lateral technology initiatives
Presentation by Simone Landolina (see also here)
Presentation by Jennie Dodson (see also The MI Country Highlights and MI: The Story So Far)
Presentation by Ellina Levina
Presentation by Manfredi Caltagirone
Session 5 (Part 1): TCP Modernisation: Strengthening communications, operations, and impact
Presentation by K.C. Michaels
Presentation by Jad Mouawad and video
Session 5 (Breakouts): TCP Modernisation: Strengthening communications, operations, and impact
Summary of breakout discussions
Session 6: Taking advantage of TCP expertise: brainstorming on IEA’s Energy Technology Perspectives 2020 and beyond
Moderator: Timur Gül