20th Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and 10th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (COP 20/COP MOP 10)
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Lima was the last opportunity to influence the "national contributions" (mitigation commitments) that countries offer in the first quarter of 2015, and one of the last in a multilateral environment to inject new ideas into the framing of the 2015 agreement.
The IEA communicated its key messages to delegations and stakeholders through the events below, The Way Forward: Five Key Actions To Achieve A Low Carbon Energy Sector (see also press release and launch presentation) and our Energy, Climate Change and the Environment publication. We also discussed energy-climate issues with key decision-makers in bilateral meetings.
Wednesday 3rd December
- The 2013-2015 review, Structured Expert Dialogue 4 - Part 2 - IEA presentation by Christina Hood
- 15:00-18:00, Room E13
Thursday 4th December
- IEA Meet the Experts, IEA Booth, Zone G
- 11:30-12:30, Carbon Capture and Storage - Ellina Levina
- 12:30-13:30, Climate Policy for the Energy Sector - Christina Hood
- 13:30-14:30, Renewable Energy - Cédric Philibert
- OECD/CCXG side event: The role of the 2015 agreement in mobilising climate finance and enhancing action on adaptation
- 13:30-15:30, EU Pavilion, Brussels
- OECD/ITF side event: Mitigation Potential of Urban Sustainable Low-Carbon Transport: Priorities for INDCs, NAMAs & SDGs - Cédric Philibert
- 15:00-16:30, Room Maranga (130)
- IETA side event: The FVA and NMM - What to expect from COP 20 in Lima? - Christina Hood
- 16:00-17:00
Friday 5th December
- IEA/WBCSD/IDB Energy Day side event, IETA Pavilion (full agenda)
- 10:00-11:20 Key mitigation actions for the energy sector
- 11:30-12:50 Renewables globally and in Latin America: opportunities and challenges
- 14:40-16:00 Accelerating technology development to achieve deep decarbonisation
- Maria Mendiluce (WBCSD), Jean-François Gagne, Jens Dinkel (Siemens), David Hone (Shell), Emmanuel Guérin (SDSN), Griffin Thompson (US Delegation)
- 16:10-17:30 Harnessing non-climate drivers of energy sector emissions reductions
- OECD/IGS side event: The role of domestic policies in mobilising climate finance
- 15:00-16:30, Machu-Picchu 300
- Climate Parliament Round Table on Climate Science and Renewable Energy Technology and Policy - presentation by Cédric Philbert
- 15:00-16:30, Peruvian Congress
- UK DECC Global Calculator project demonstration - Jean-François Gagné
- 18:00-20:00, EU Pavillion, Brussels
Sunday 7th December
- Transport Day: Mitigation potential of transportation, presentation by Jean-François Gagné
- 12:00-13:30, Lima City Hall
Tuesday 9th December
- IEA Meet the Experts, Technology and innovation, transport - Jean-François Gagné
- 11:30-12:30, IEA booth, Zone G
- IEA Press Conference, Executive Director Maria van der Hoeven
- 12:00-12:30, Press Conference Room 1
- IEA-World Energy Council Side Event, Maria van der Hoeven and Philippe Benoit
- 13:15-14:45, Caral Room
Wednesday 10th December
- Executive Director youth presentation on climate change (general version available here)
- 08:00-09:00, Colegio Roosevelt International School
- IEA Meet the Experts, IEA booth, Zone G
- 10:00-12:00, Energy issues in Latin America and the Caribbean - Joerg Husar
- 15:30-17:30, World Energy Outlook - Timur Guel
- World Climate Summit, Maria van der Hoeven opening plenary remarks
- 10:30-11:15, Hilton Lima
- Sustainable Development Solutions Network event, Maria van der Hoeven closing remarks
- 12:15-12:50, IETA Pavillion
Thursday 11th December
- IEA Meet the Experts, IEA Booth, Zone G
- 11:00-13:00, Climate policy for the energy sector - Takashi Hattori
- 13:00-15:00, Energy efficiency, CCS, climate and energy - Philippe Benoit
Friday 12th December
- IEA Side Event: Key Issues in Energy, Climate Change and Environment - Presentation by Takashi Hattori on the IEA’s new publication: Energy, Climate Change and the Environment.
- 15:30-17:30, Roma Room, EU Pavilion.
Peruvian COP 20 website
UNFCCC COP 20 website
OECD COP 20 website
The IEA and COP; previous IEA COP pages
See also
Climate change
IEA's Message for Youth on Climate Change
Carbon capture and storage
Energy efficiency
Clean energy technologies