19th Annual IEA-IETA-EPRI Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading
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State and Trends of Carbon Pricing 2019- Program Coordinator and Climate Change Specialist, World Bank
Session 1: Roundtable – Regional updates from Latin America: Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, Pacific Alliance and Carbon Pricing in the Americas
This opening roundtable will take stock of carbon market developments in Central and Latin America, with specific insights from Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico and regional collaboration initiatives. The discussion will be kicked off by an overview of the latest developments and trends in the region, followed by updates from specific countries
- Stefano De Clara, International Policy Director, IETA
- Diego de León, Director for Climate Change for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE)
- Felipe De Leon, Adviser, Climate Change Directorate, Costa Rica
- Juan Carlos Arredondo, Executive Director, Climate Connection
- Alfonso Blanco, Executive Secretary, OLADE
Session 2: North America – ETS and GHG policy developments
Emission trading systems are one of many policy tools being utilized to limit or reduce emissions of greenhouse gases in North America. In the U.S., amidst shifting Federal policies, regions, states and companies have developed policies to reduce emissions. In Canada, political shifts are also leading to policy change. This session will provide an update on current and potential future policy directions.
- Tom Wilson, Principal Technical Executive, EPRI
- Ben Carrier, Senior Attorney, California Air Resources Board
- Chelsea Bryant, Vice President, ClimeCo Corporation
- Jean-Yves Benoit, Director Carbon Market, Quebec Government
- Johanne Gelinas, President & CEO, Transition Energetique Quebec
Session 3: Roundtable - Regional updates from the Asia-Pacific: Japan, New Zealand, Thailand and South Korea
This session will explore in detail carbon markets in the Asia-Pacific region. Presentations will provide a status update of the respective policies with a focus on the role of carbon pricing in the implementation of NDCs and the country’s energy transition strategies. Discussions will allow to share country’s experiences and forthcoming challenges.
- Andrew Prag, Unit Head, Environment and Climate Change Unit, IEA
- Kay Harrison, Climate Change Ambassador, New Zealand
- Pongvipa Lohsomboon, Deputy Executive Director, Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization, Thailand
- Choi Yongsik, Deputy Director, Climate Change Strategy Division, Ministry of the Environment, Republic of Korea
- Kazumasa Nagamori, Deputy Director, Office of Market Mechanisms, Ministry of the Environment, Japan
Session 4: China ETS - 2019, a milestone year in China’s national ETS implementation
Since the beginning of the year, China has been moving forward on the implementation of the national ETS finalising Phase 1 with the plan to realise Phase 2 “simulation exercises” before the end of the year. This session aims to share last achievements on China’s national ETS legislation, allowance allocation design and views key experts and international cooperation programs.
- Cyril Cassisa, Senior Carbon Market Analyst, Environment and Climate Change Unit, IEA
- Zhang Xiliang Director, Institute of Energy, Economy and Environment, Tsinghua University, China
- Hu Min, Executive Director, innovative Green Development Program
- Zhao Xiaolu, Senior Manager, EDF China
- Huw Slater Senior Consultant, ICF China
Session 5: Article 6 – Update from international negotiations and role of the private sector
Article 6 of the Paris Agreement introduces market approaches as one way for Parties to pursue voluntary cooperation in the implementation of their NDCs to allow for higher ambition in their mitigation and adaptation actions and to promote sustainable development and environmental integrity. Article 6 can also represent an opportunity for private entities to contribute to the global mitigation efforts through their participation in international market mechanisms. In this session, representatives from the private sector and other stakeholders will discuss the latest status of Article 6 negotiations, the role of the private sector and Article 6 pilot initiatives.
- Kelley Kizzier, Associate Vice President for International Climate, Environmental Defense Fund
- Amy Steen, Legal Officer, UNFCCC Secretariat
- Sandra Greiner, Lead Consultant, Climate Focus
- Andrei Marcu, Founder and Executive Director, European Roundtable on Climate Change and Sustainable Transition (ERCST)
- Emilie Alberola, Director of Research and Innovation, EcoAct
- Ann-Cathrin Vaage, Leading Climate Policy Consultant, Equinor
Session 6: EU ETS 2019 state of play
This session will provide insights on the key 2019 developments impacting the functioning of the EU’s carbon market: launch of the Market Stability Reserve, plans of more than one-third of EU Member States to introduce national coal exit policies; new rules on industrial free allocation in EU ETS Phase 4 and the completion of negotiations between the EU and Switzerland on linking their carbon systems from January 2020. The discussants will also reflect on the role of the EU ETS in the EU’s long-term climate strategy to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.
- Julia Michalak, EU Policy Director, IETA
- Mette Quinn, Head of Unit for ETS Implementation and IT, European Commission
- Dirk Weinreich, Legal Issues, Climate Policy and Energy, Climate Legistration, Emissions Trading, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Germany
- Sophie Wenger, Policy Advisor, Federal Office for the Environment, Switzerland
- Cédric de Meeûs, Vice-President, Group Public Affairs and Government Relations, Lafarge Holcim
- Mark Lewis, Global Head of Sustainability Research, BNP Paribas Asset Management
Session 7: Modelling case studies on international cooperation
In recent years, analyses of the implications of global trade have shifted from analyzing the benefits of all-inclusive, global trading schemes to the assessment of more constrained trading systems -- limited participants, delayed entry, what is traded, mechanisms for trade, and implications of differences in national schemes. This session will explore current analyses and facilitate a discussion of analysis needs.
- Tom Wilson, Principal Technical Executive, EPRI
- Sha Yu, Scientist, Integrated Analysis and Decision Science Team, Pacific Northwest National Lab
- Steve Rose, Technical Executive, Energy and Environmental Analysis, EPRI
Session 8: How carbon markets can drive voluntary action under the Paris Agreement
Over the last year, we have seen an increase in voluntary climate action by the private sector as business leaders respond to demand from investors, customers and employees. This trend is expected to continue into the future; in IETA’s 2019 GHG Market Sentiment Survey, an overwhelming 85% of respondents expect corporate voluntary action to increase over the next 5-10 years. This session will explore why companies are using carbon markets to take voluntary action, how Governments can help facilitate and incentivise this, and what framework is needed to scale action by the private sector under the Paris Agreement.
- Simon Henry, Director of Carbon Market Development, IETA
- Stephen Donofrio, Director of Ecosystem Marketplace & Supply Change Initiatives, Forest Trends
- Daniel Wegen, Government Relations Advisor, Shell
- Jeff Swartz, Director Climate Policy & Carbon Markets, South Pole
- Jonathan Shopley, Managing Director, Natural Capital Partners
Thursday, 3 October 2019
Please allow some time to go through the security check
Workshop Overview and Introductions
- Mechthild Wörsdorfer, Director of Sustainability, Technology and Outlooks, International Energy Agency (IEA)
- Dirk Forrister, President and CEO, International Emissions Trading Association (IETA)
- Tom Wilson, Principal Technical Executive, Energy and Environmental Analysis, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
State and Trends of Carbon Pricing 2019
- Celine Ramstein, Program Coordinator and Climate Change Specialist, World Bank
Session 1: Roundtable – Roundtable – Regional updates from Latin America: Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, Pacific Alliance and Carbon Pricing in the Americas
This opening roundtable will take stock of carbon market developments in Central and Latin America, with specific insights from Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico and regional collaboration initiatives. The discussion will be kicked off by an overview of the latest developments and trends in the region, followed by updates from specific countries
- Stefano De Clara, International Policy Director, IETA
- Diego de León, Director for Climate Change for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE)
- Felipe De Leon, Adviser, Climate Change Directorate, Costa Rica
- Juan Carlos Arredondo, Executive Director, Climate Connection
- Alfonso Blanco, Executive Secretary, OLADE
Coffee break
Session 2: North America – ETS and GHG policy developments
Emission trading systems are one of many policy tools being utilized to limit or reduce emissions of greenhouse gases in North America. In the U.S., amidst shifting Federal policies, regions, states and companies have developed policies to reduce emissions. In Canada, political shifts are also leading to policy change. This session will provide an update on current and potential future policy directions.
- Tom Wilson, Principal Technical Executive, EPRI
- Ben Carrier, Senior Attorney, California Air Resources Board
- Chelsea Bryant, Vice President, ClimeCo Corporation
- Jean-Yves Benoit, Director Carbon Market, Quebec Government
- Johanne Gelinas, President & CEO, Transition Energetique Quebec
Session 3: Roundtable - Regional updates from the Asia-Pacific: Japan, New Zealand, Thailand and South Korea
This session will explore in detail carbon markets in the Asia-Pacific region. Presentations will provide a status update of the respective policies with a focus on the role of carbon pricing in the implementation of NDCs and the country’s energy transition strategies. Discussions will allow to share country’s experiences and forthcoming challenges.
- Andrew Prag, Unit Head, Environment and Climate Change Unit, IEA
- Kay Harrison, Climate Change Ambassador, New Zealand
- Pongvipa Lohsomboon, Deputy Executive Director, Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization, Thailand
- Choi Yongsik, Deputy Director, Climate Change Strategy Division, Ministry of the Environment, Republic of Korea
- Kazumasa Nagamori, Deputy Director, Office of Market Mechanisms, Ministry of the Environment, Japan
Coffee break
Session 4: China ETS - 2019, a milestone year in China’s national ETS implementation
Since the beginning of the year, China has been moving forward on the implementation of the national ETS finalising Phase 1 with the plan to realise Phase 2 “simulation exercises” before the end of the year. This session aims to share last achievements on China’s national ETS legislation, allowance allocation design and views key experts and international cooperation programs.
- Cyril Cassisa, Senior Carbon Market Analyst, Environment and Climate Change Unit, IEA
- Zhang Xiliang, Director, Institute of Energy, Economy and Environment, Tsinghua University, China
- Hu Min, Executive Director, innovative Green Development Program
- Zhao Xiaolu, Senior Manager, EDF China
- Huw Slater, Senior Consultant, ICF China
Friday, 4 October 2019
Networking, coffee and pastries
Session 5: Article 6 – Update from international negotiations and role of the private sector
Article 6 of the Paris Agreement introduces market approaches as one way for Parties to pursue voluntary cooperation in the implementation of their NDCs to allow for higher ambition in their mitigation and adaptation actions and to promote sustainable development and environmental integrity. Article 6 can also represent an opportunity for private entities to contribute to the global mitigation efforts through their participation in international market mechanisms. In this session, representatives from the private sector and other stakeholders will discuss the latest status of Article 6 negotiations, the role of the private sector and Article 6 pilot initiatives.
- Kelley Kizzier, Associate Vice President for International Climate, Environmental Defense Fund
- Amy Steen, Legal Officer, UNFCCC Secretariat
- Sandra Greiner, Lead Consultant, Climate Focus
- Andrei Marcu, Founder and Executive Director, European Roundtable on Climate Change and Sustainable Transition (ERCST)
- Emilie Alberola, Director of Research and Innovation, EcoAct
- Ann-Cathrin Vaage, Leading Climate Policy Consultant, Equinor
Coffee break
Session 6: EU ETS 2019 state of play
This session will provide insights on the key 2019 developments impacting the functioning of the EU’s carbon market: launch of the Market Stability Reserve, plans of more than one-third of EU Member States to introduce national coal exit policies; new rules on industrial free allocation in EU ETS Phase 4 and the completion of negotiations between the EU and Switzerland on linking their carbon systems from January 2020. The discussants will also reflect on the role of the EU ETS in the EU’s long-term climate strategy to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.
- Julia Michalak, EU Policy Director, IETA
- Mette Quinn, Head of Unit for ETS Implementation and IT, European Commission
- Dirk Weinreich, Legal Issues, Climate Policy and Energy, Climate Legistration, Emissions Trading, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Germany
- Sophie Wenger, Policy Advisor, Federal Office for the Environment, Switzerland
- Cédric de Meeûs, Vice-President, Group Public Affairs and Government Relations, Lafarge Holcim
- Mark Lewis, Global Head of Sustainability Research, BNP Paribas Asset Management
Session 7: Modelling case studies on international cooperation
In recent years, analyses of the implications of global trade have shifted from analyzing the benefits of all-inclusive, global trading schemes to the assessment of more constrained trading systems -- limited participants, delayed entry, what is traded, mechanisms for trade, and implications of differences in national schemes. This session will explore current analyses and facilitate a discussion of analysis needs.
- Tom Wilson, Principal Technical Executive, EPRI
- Sha Yu, Scientist, Integrated Analysis and Decision Science Team, Pacific Northwest National Lab
- Steve Rose, Technical Executive, Energy and Environmental Analysis, EPRI
Coffee break
Session 8: How carbon markets can drive voluntary action under the Paris Agreement
Over the last year, we have seen an increase in voluntary climate action by the private sector as business leaders respond to demand from investors, customers and employees. This trend is expected to continue into the future; in IETA’s 2019 GHG Market Sentiment Survey, an overwhelming 85% of respondents expect corporate voluntary action to increase over the next 5-10 years. This session will explore why companies are using carbon markets to take voluntary action, how Governments can help facilitate and incentivise this, and what framework is needed to scale action by the private sector under the Paris Agreement.
- Simon Henry, Director of Carbon Market Development, IETA
- Stephen Donofrio, Director of Ecosystem Marketplace & Supply Change Initiatives, Forest Trends
- Daniel Wegen, Government Relations Advisor, Shell
- Jeff Swartz, Director Climate Policy & Carbon Markets, South Pole
- Jonathan Shopley, Managing Director, Natural Capital Partners
Closing remarks