14th IEA-IETA-EPRI Annual Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading
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The International Energy Agency (IEA), International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) and Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) held their 14th annual workshop on greenhouse gas emissions trading on the 9th & 10th of October 2014 for invited:
- senior officials from OECD countries, the European Union and other nations
- corporate executives from energy-intensive industries, plus electric, brokerage and financial companies
- analysts and researchers from non-governmental organisations and academia
The agenda was 14th IEA-IETA-EPRI GHG workshop agenda (for reference, the 2013 workshop agenda is here, 2012's here and 2011’s here) and selected presentations from the two days are below.
Session 1: Recent developments in the evolution of carbon markets
1-1 ENZMANN 2030 EU Framework
1-3 Mr Wilder spoke without slides
1-4 MEDINA Mexican Climate Change Law
Session 2: Evolution of greenhouse gas emissions trading in China
2-0 SWARTZ Evaluation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading in China
2-1 ZHONG QING China Carbon Market Report 2014
2-2 GUELFF China ETS simulation
2-3 XING_AN GE State and Trends of Shenzhen Carbon Market
2-4 UPSTON HOOPER Roundtable on the Evolution of GHG Emissions Trading in China
Session 3: Report on IEA-EPRI electricity sector event: Electricity Market Design under Long-Term Decarbonisation: Challenges and Opportunities
3 IEA EPRI market design workshop highlights
Session 4: Linking carbon markets: towards fragmented approaches or globally networked markets?
4-0 DEBLOCK Linking carbon markets towards fragmented approaches or globally networked markets
4-1 YEO UK Parliament Energy and Climate Change Committee
4-2 SYLVESTER Networked Carbon Markets
4-3 EIK Linking carbon markets
Session 5: The future of greenhouse gas emissions trading in North America
5-1 NIEMEYER Assessing Challenges of EPA’s Clean Power Plan
5-2 WENZEL California’s Greenhouse Gas Cap-and-Trade Program
5-3 WILLIAMS The Future of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading in North America
Session 6: Addressing competitiveness and carbon leakage in the design of emissions trading programmes
6-1 MARCU Addressing Competitiveness and Carbon Leakage in ETs
6-2 MERLE Addressing competitiveness and carbon leakage in the design of emissions trading policies cement
6-3 HUGUET GHG and Competitiveness the Aluminium Case
6-4 REINAUD Europes low carbon transition understanding the challenges and opportunities for the chemical sector
Session 7: The role of offsets and New Market Mechanisms in climate policy
7-0 DIAMANT The Role of Offsets and New Market Mechanisms in Evolving Climate Policy
7-2 IINO Recent Development of the Joint Crediting Mechanism MOEJ
7-3 NEPSTAD Tropical Forests and Climate Change... REDD+ and Bottom-Up Innovation
7-4 RICH Role of Offsets and New Market Mechanisms in Climate Policy – Alberta’s Experience
Closing roundtable: The role of national policies and international and domestic carbon markets in the development of a future international climate agreement
8-1 Mr Watkinson spoke without slides
8-2 JOHNSON The role of international and domestic carbon markets in the 2015 international climate agreement
8-3 HONE International Market Architecture for Paris
8-4 KILANI The role of national policies and international carbon markets