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10th Annual IEA-IETA-EPRI Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading Workshop

Workshop — Paris, France


On 20-21 September 2010, the IEA hosted its 10th Annual Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading, organised in partnership with the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). Proceedings from this workshop are now available in PDF format, capturing the essence of speaker presentations, questions and the rich discussions that ensued.

The IEA-IETA-EPRI Emissions Trading Workshop has been held annually at the headquarters of the International Energy Agency since 2000. This international workshop focuses on developments in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions trading around the world at the international, national and sub-national levels.

The 2010 workshop covered topics relevant to the future of global carbon markets post-COP 15, including scaled-up and new market mechanisms, regional linkages, carbon market oversight, and accounting and verification. As in previous years, the workshop invited government and business to discuss advances in various national GHG markets, as well as carbon market developments over the past year. A high-level panel was invited to discuss the future of carbon markets in a Copenhagen Accord world.

Workshop Proceedings

Opening remarks

Bo Diczfalusy Director, Sustainable Policy and Technology (IEA)
Henry Derwent President and CEO, International Emissions Trading Association (IETA)
Tom Wilson Senior Program Manager, Global Climate Research Program, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)

Session 1 – Country Roundtable
Moderator: Rick Bradley (IEA)

United States: Phil Sharp, CEO, Resources for the Future (RFF)
Brazil: Gylvan Meira Filho, Visiting Researcher, Institute for Advanced Studies, University of São Paulo
United Kingdom: Leila Pourarkin, Senior Policy Advisor on Global Carbon Markets, Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC)
Korea: Daegyun Oh, Team Manager, Energy Target Setting Team, Korea Energy Management Corporation, and Cheon-Hee Bang, Assistant Manager, Korea Environment Corporation

Session 2 – Sectoral/scaled-up/new market mechanisms
Chair: Richard Baron (IEA)

Henry Derwent, President and CEO, IETA
Dan Nepstad, Senior Scientist, Woods Hole Research Center
Catherine Martin-Robert, Climate Change Consultant, Holcim
Joëlle Chassard, Manager, Climate Finance Unit, World Bank

Session 3 – Carbon market developments
Chair: Henry Derwent (IETA)

Emmanuel Fages, Head of Market Research, Orbeo
Andrei Marcu, Head of Regulatory Affairs, Mercuria Trading
Keith Regan, Associate Director, Advisory Services, Camco
Francisco (Paco) de la Chesnaye, Senior Project Manager, Global Climate Change Program, EPRI
Pedro Martins Barata, Member, CDM Executive Board

Session 4 – Linkage: Regional focus

Chair: Adam Diamant, EPRI

Damien Meadows, Acting Head of International Carbon Market, Aviation and Maritime Unit, DG Climate Action, European Commission
Tony Brunello, Partner, California Strategies LLC, previously Deputy Secretary for Climate and Energy, State of California, Natural Resources Agency
Rob Fowler, Executive Advisor, Low Carbon & Sustainability, Booz & Co.
Eisaku Toda, Director - Market Mechanism Office, Ministry of the Environment, Japan
Helle Juhler-Verdoner, Vice President - Global Affairs, Power & Environmental Policies, Alstom Power

Session 5 – Carbon market oversight
Chair: David Lunsford, IETA

Joost Pauwelyn, Professor of International Economic Law and WTO Law, The Graduate Institute, Geneva

Doaa Abdel-Motaal, Counsellor, Office of the Director-General, World Trade Organisation
Aurélien Tignol, Policy Advisor, Carbon Market Division, French Ministry of Ecology, Energy and Sustainable Development
Craig Pirrong, Director, Global Energy Management Institute, University of Houston
Yvon Slingenberg, Acting Head of ETS Implementation and Benchmarking Units, DG Climate Action, European Commission

Session 6 – CO2 project accounting and verification in a Copenhagen Accord world
Chair: Tom Wilson (EPRI)

Robert Page, TransAlta Professor of Environmental Management and Sustainability, University of Calgary
Anne-Marie Warris, Chair, ISO Environmental management subcommittee (TC 207 SC1) - more slides
Takashi Hongo, Head of Environment Finance Engineering and Special Advisor, Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)
Melanie Eddis, Head of Climate Change, ERM CVS

Closing Session: The future of carbon markets in a Copenhagen Accord world
Chair: Henry Derwent (IETA)

Paul Bodnar, Foreign Affairs Officer, Office of Global Change, United States Department of State
Yvon Slingenberg, Head of ETS Implementation and Benchmarking Units, European Commission
Mutsuyoshi Nishimura, Special Advisor for the Cabinet, Prime Minister’s Office, Japan
Fernando Tudela, Principal Climate Negotiator, Mexico

Closing Remarks

Richard Baron, IEA
Henry Derwent, IETA
Tom Wilson, EPR