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Webinar 1 Building Programmatic Priorities and ETP 2014

Webinar — Paris, France


Webinar Series Objective: To seek advice from key global building stakeholders in the development of the IEA’s new initiative for Sustainable Buildings. A key focus of the Partnership is to raise the importance of building energy efficiency among high level energy policy directors while providing the fundamental analysis to support more investment from both the public and private sectors.


Building's Programmatic Priorities and ETP 2014 (Building Related Results)



IEA Building’s Activity Overview -Partnership and Project Plans
Marc LaFrance, IEA

Energy Technology Perspectives (ETP) 2014 - High Electrification, Promotion of Heat Pumps
Thomas Nowak, European Heat Pump Association

Nearly Zero Energy Buildings -Where we are today in Europe
Rod Janssen, Consultant to European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy

Data and Analysis Supporting Equipment Energy Efficient Initiatives
Michael McNeil, Ph.D., Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

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