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Roundtable on Energy Efficiency Policies for the Southeast Asia Region

Workshop — jakarta,


The International Energy Agency, Asian Development Bank, International Copper Association, Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership hosted a roundtable discussion on Energy Efficiency Policy Recommendations (EEPRs) for the Southeast Asia Region. welcome photo

The roundtable was conducted 11-12 December at the Shangri-La Hotel in Jakarta, Indonesia. More than fifty energy efficiency experts from public, private, international and inter-governmental institutions took part.  See: team photo team photo 2

The roundtable featured presentations on regional energy efficiency intiatives and national energy efficiency policy implementation, as well as discussion sessions on regional energy efficiency market opportunities and barriers.

This roundtable is part of a two-year, global collaborative effort to tailor IEA’s 25 Energy Efficiency Policy recommendations (EEPRs) to regional needs. The first workshop was held in Amman, Jordan, April 2013 and produced the first set of EEPRs for the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean (SEMED)/Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

This roundtable is the second regional workshop delivered by IEA working closely with ADB and the Indonesian Government. The result of the roundtable will provide the material for a chapter on the South East Asia region in an upcoming IEA report entitled Energy Efficiency Policy Recommendations for the Developing World. 

Energy Efficiency Policies for the Southeast Asia Region on 11-12 December 2013

DAY 1 – Wednesday, 11 December, 2013




8:30-9 am


9 am

Opening Speeches

Rida Mulyana, Director General, DGNREEC, Indonesia

Anthony Jude, Senior Advisor and Energy Practice Leader, ADB

Robert Tromop, Head of Energy Efficiency Unit , IEA

Session 1.  Presentation session - Regional co-operation on energy efficiency policies and programmes in SE Asia region. This session will present region-wide efforts to develop energy efficiency strategies, master plans, co-operation, and policy development.

Moderator: Yerim Park, Programme Officer – Southeast Asia, International Energy Agency

9:30-11 am

ADB regional energy efficiency intitiatives

Aiming Zhou, Senior Energy Specialist, ADB

Asia overview of energy sustainability challenges

Sergey Tulinov, Economic Affairs Officer, UNESCAP


Prospects for regional ESCO development

Chris Seeley, Clinton Climate Initiative

Regional cooperation on vehicle fuel economy standards

Thanawat Koomsin, Secretary General, Thai Automotive Industry Association

Promoting private investment in energy efficiency

Thomas K. Dreessen, President & CEO, EPS Capital

ASEAN-SHINE- ASEAN Standards Harmonization Initiative for Energy efficiency

Pierre Cazelles, Director, International Copper Association(ICA)





Session 2.  Presentation session – Progress on developing and implementing national energy efficiency policies in SE Asia countries. This session will focus on recent progress in developing national energy efficiency policies.

 Moderator: Anthony Jude, Senior Advisor and Energy Practice Leader, ADB

11:30 am-1pm

Development of Indonesia's Energy Efficiency and conservation policies

Maritje Hutapea, Energy Conservation Director, DGNREEC, Indonesia

Implementation of Singapore's Energy Conservation Act

Ram Bhaskar, Director, Energy Efficiency and Conservation, National Environment Agency, Singapore

Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Legislation in APEC: Lessons for ASEAN New Comers

Xunpeng Shi, Chief Researcher, Brunei National Energy Research Institute

Cambodia’s National Energy Efficiency Policies

Heang Bora, Deputy Director,  Ministry of Industry, Mines & Energy, Cambodia


Early results from Thailand's 20 year Energy Efficiency Development Plan

Pongjaroon, Executive Director, Energy Conservation Center of Thailand (ECCT)

Malaysia’s National Energy Efficiency Master Plan

Zulkiflee Umar, Head of Demand Side Management Unit, Ministry of Energy, Green Technology & Water, Malaysia


Progress on The Philippines Energy Efficiency and Conservation Roadmap

Jesus Anunciacion, Director, Department of Energy, Philippines


1-2 pm


Session 3. Discussion session – Market opportunities and barriers specific to SE Asia region.  This session will discuss conditions found in the SE Asia region that create specific market opportunities and produce particular barriers that should be addressed with regionally-focused policies and programmes.

Moderator: Robert Tromop, Head of Energy Efficiency Unit , IEA

2-3:15 pm

Discussion Issues:

  • Where are the biggest energy savings opportunities?
  • What are the most persistent market, technical, institutional barriers in the region?
  • What progress has been made in developing policy interventions that overcome these barriers?
  • Which types of policies – regulatory or market or other – have proven effective in the region?


  • Dr. Judianto Hasan, Chairman, Indonesia ESCO Association
  • Arthit Vechakij, President, Thai ESCO Association
  • Aiming Zhou, Senior Energy Specialist, ADB
  • Jesper Vauvert, Program Officer, Danish Energy Management
  • Pierre Cazelles, Director, International Copper Association(ICA)

3:15-3:45 pm


Session 4. Presentation and discussion session – Energy efficiency policies around the world and their applicability to SE Asia region. This session will present the major categories of regulatory, market and other policies designed to promote energy efficiency.

Moderator:  Kyeong Hee Je,  Energy Efficiency Analyst, IEA

3:45-5 pm

Results of the WEC Survey of country energy efficiency policies

Dr. Didier Bosseboeuf, Senior Economist, French Environment and Energy Management Agency(ADEME)

The IEAs 25 Energy Efficiency Policy Recommendations‌

Robert Tromop, Head of Energy Efficiency Unit, International Energy Agency

Energy Efficiency Policy Effectiveness - experience from APERC peer reviews

Luke Leaver, Economist, Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre (APERC)

Discussion issues:

  • Which interventions will be effective in overcoming barriers in the SE Asia region?
  • Do we need sectoral policies, or will cross-sectoral policies cover everything?
  • Choosing between regulatory and market policies – and tips for combining them


  • Pierre Cazelles, Director, ICA
  • Robert Tromop, Head of Unit, IEA
  • Luke Leaver, Economist, APERC

Organize Day 2 working sessions. Participants self-select their sector-specific working group – Buildings, Industry and Energy Providers, Transport, Appliances and Lighting, or Cross-Sectoral

5-6:30 pm




DAY 2 – Thursday, December 12, 2013




Session 5. Policy Development Working Sessions. The participants will work in small groups organized by sector.  Each small group will work according to the general schedule listed below, taking notes and preparing to report-out results. Each working group will appoint a rapporteur to report-out their results in the afternoon session.

Each policy development working group will be facilitated by anenergy efficiency expert.

9-9:45  am

Discuss and agree the major energy savings opportunities and barriers within SE Asia region – and identify major differences across countries within the region

9:45-10:30 am

Discuss which of the policy recommendations put forward by the IEA and other organizations are applicable to the SE Asia region

10:30-11 am


11-11:45 am

Develop, discuss and agree additional policies especially applicable to the SE Asia region which are not found in the IEA or other recommendations.

11:45am-12:30 pm

Working as a group, determine a rank-ordering of the policies, e.g., which are most important and which are less important.

12:30-2 pm


2-2:45 pm

Working as a group led by the rapporteur, prepare a presentation on the group’s process and conclusions

Session 6.  Reporting out the policy development working session results. Each break-out session will report out their results, beginning with the rapporteur reports followed by Q&A.

 Moderator : Kyeong Hee Je, Energy Efficiency Analyst, IEA

2:45 -3:30pm

Buildings Policies

Rapporteur: TBD

Facilitator: Jesper Vauvert

Industrial Policies(Including utilities)

Rapporteur: TBD

Facilitator: Zaini Abdul Wahab

Apliances policies(including lightings)

Rapporteur: TBD

Facilitator: Aimimg Zhou

Transport Policies

Rapporteur: TBD

Facilitator: Didier Bosseboeuf

Cross Sectoral

Rapporteur: TBD

Facilitator: Robert Tromop

3:30-3:45 pm


Session 7.  Discussion Session: The Way Forward – Developing energy efficiency policies for the SE Asia region. This session will focus on what the participants should take from this workshop in terms of the SE Asia region and its particular characteristics and needs with regard to energy savings opportunities, market and other barriers, policy recommendations, and regional co-operation.

Moderator: Aiming Zhou, Senior Energy Specialist, ADB

3:45-5:00 pm


  • Using SE Asia region energy efficiency policy recommendations to promote regional dialogue
  • Mobilizing regional technical and political networks to raise awareness and build support for national energy efficiency policies
  • Common platform for sharing and implementing Energy Efficiency


  • Maritje Hutapea, Director, DGNREEC
  • Didier Bosseboeuf, Senior Economist, ADEME
  • Ram Bhaskar, Director, Energy Efficiency and Conservation, National Environment Agency, Singapore
  •  Zaini Abdul Wahab, Director, CONNECSYS     SDN BHD

5 pm