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Powering the Future: Smart Cities Leading on Climate Action

Paris Time

Background information

The decarbonisation of cities is a global priority, and local governments are instrumental to achieving national commitments and objectives. Improved access to and use of data for decision making can support faster and more targeted implementation and help align city and power system planning. Digital solutions and systems can be particularly powerful in cities, where high-density environment creates economies of scale, creating new opportunities.

During this webinar, the IEA will launch the Digital Demand-Driven Electricity Networks (3DEN) Initiative's third flagship report Empowering Urban Energy Transitions as part of IEA’s support to the Italian governments’ Presidency of the G7. Exploring a large range of projects and initiatives implemented in power systems and cities around the world, the report provides insights on emerging best practices, innovative approaches and how barriers and challenges can be tackled. It also focuses on ways national governments can help cities accelerate clean, affordable, and inclusive energy transitions and ensure resilience and ability to adapt to climate change.

The webinar will also bring diverse perspectives by convening leading international experts on city-level climate and energy project implementation, to share insights on urban-oriented inclusive policy in action in areas such as energy, transport, buildings, and digitalisation.

The IEA gratefully acknowledges the Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security for their support for this expert workshop as part of their contributions to IEA’s Digital Demand Driven Electricity Networks (3DEN) Initiative on power system modernisation and effective utilisation of demand side resources through digitalisation and to the Clean Energy Transitions Programme. The IEA also extends sincere appreciation to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) for their invaluable support and for leading the implementation of pilot projects as part of 3DEN Implementation Phase.