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Policies for Energy Provider Delivery of Energy Efficiency

Workshop — Washington, D.C., United States


The IEA together with its working partner the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) have taken on a new work programme focussing on energy efficiency and energy providers. Formulated under the auspices of the International Partnership on Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC) and led by the UK’s Department of Energy and Climate Change, the Policies for Energy Provider Delivery of Energy Efficiency (PEPDEE) activity has been established to promote co-operation and knowledge-sharing on how energy providers can improve the energy efficiency of their customers. Other participating governments included the US, Australia, and the European Commission.

PEPDEE seeks to facilitate co-operation and knowledge-sharing among IEA and IPEEC member countries on how energy providers can improve the efficiency of gas and electricity customers and what regulators and governments can do to mobilize such efforts. PEPDEE’s objective is to improve collaboration by all stakeholders on regulatory mechanisms and programme designs that save energy. A North American regional PEPDEE workshop on April 18-19 2012 was held in co-operation with US DOE, hosted by the American Gas Association, and co-sponsored by the American Public Power Association, Edison Foundation/Institute for Electric Efficiency, National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association.  The workshop included presentations by energy providers, energy regulators, consumer advocates, the energy efficiency industry, and governments, as well as the IEA and RAP.

This was one of several regional policy dialogues to be held as part of the PEPDEE effort. Other policy dialogues, hosted by governments and co-sponsored by regulators and energy provider associations, are being held in Australia, China, and the European Union.

List of Participants
Workshop Report


Welcome and Opening Speeches

Welcome Speech
Rick Duke,  Deputy Asst Secretary, Office of Climate Change Policy, DOE

Opening Speech
Ambassador Richard H. Jones, Deputy Executive Director, IEA

Session 1.  International developments in energy efficiency policies for energy providers. This session will present important developments and results of energy provider-delivered energy efficiency from the region and the world. Moderator: Grayson Heffner, International Energy Agency

20 years of energy provider-delivered energy efficiency in Europe
Eion Lees, Advisor to Regulatory Assistance Project (Europe)

Australia’s experience with energy provider obligations
Margaret Sniffin, Executive Manager, Greenhouse Gas Reduction/Energy Saving Scheme of New South Wales

Northern energy efficiency: results from Canada’s energy utilities
Francis Bradley, Vice President for Policy Development, Canadian Electricity Association

IDB’s Support to the Mexican Energy Efficiency Programme
Laura Rojas Sanchez, Energy Analyst, Inter-American Development Bank

Session 2.  Notable developments in North American energy efficiency-energy provider policies and programmes. Four keynote presentations will describe important new developments from energy efficiency delivery to regulatory mechanisms. Moderator: Janine Migden-Ostrander, Regulatory Assistance Project

Partnering with trade allies to deliver energy efficiency
Ruth C. Kiselewich, DSM Program Director, Baltimore Gas and Electric

Gaining synergies through energy provider participation in implementing codes and standards
Gene Rodrigues, Director of Energy Efficiency, Southern California Edison

Energy provider-government partnerships: Progress through the SEE-Action Network
Commissioner Phyllis Reha, Minnesota Public Service Commission

Simplifying how we count EE – how to save on M&V and accommodate scaled-up EE programme delivery
Steve Schiller, Principal, Schiller Associates

Session 3. Stakeholder Panel Discussion. Carrying forward the legacy of energy efficiency stimulus funding: How can energy providers help sustain the momentum? Moderator: Harvey Michaels, Research Scientist, Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT

Timothy Mellon, Director of Energy Efficiency, Commonwealth Edison
Steve Bateson, Director of Energy Efficiency, Questar Gas
Greg White, Commissioner, Michigan Public Service Commission
Paula Carmody, Maryland People’s Counsel
Steven Cowell, Chairman and CEO, Conservation Services Group
Kit Kennedy, Air and Energy Program Counsel, NRDC

Session 4.  Making the case for energy efficiency – progress in valuing and communicating the benefits of energy efficiency. This session will present recent progress in identifying and quantifying the multiple benefits of energy efficiency for energy providers and energy consumers.  Moderator: Colette D. Honorable, Chairman, Arkansas Public Service Commission

Realizing the reliability and resource adequacy benefits of energy efficiency in power planning
Tom Eckman, Manager, Conservation Resources, Northwest Power Planning Council

Network deferral benefits of energy efficiency
Rebecca Craft, Director of Energy Efficiency, Con Edison

Estimating the wholesale market price benefits of energy efficiency
Doug Hurley, Senior Associate, Synapse Energy Economics

Valuing the risk mitigation benefits of energy efficiency – the CERES project
Rich Sedano, US Programs Director, Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP)

Session 5.  Group Break-out Sessions. There will be five parallel break-out sessions, each focused on a particular issue which energy efficiency policies for energy providers must address. The objective is to use discussion to better understand each issue, appreciate different perspectives on each issue, and to search for common ground.  Each break-out group will have a moderator and rapporteur.

Break-out session A:
Legislate or regulate? – what are the pros and cons of legislated EE targets vs. utility-specific EERS

Marc Breslow, Director, Electric Power Division, Department of Public Utilities Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Michael Sciortino, Program Analyst, ACEEE
Walter Auburn, Director of Energy Efficiency, Maryland Energy Administration

Break-out session B: Energy Provider Involvement in Mobilizing Deep Building Renovations – Benefits, Complexities and Consumer Protection Concerns

Mark Zimring, Senior Research Associate, LBNL
Peter Krajsa, CEO, AFC First Financial Corporation
Michael Couick, CEO, Electric Cooperatives of South Carolina

Break-out Session C: Incorporating equity and social considerations into energy provider-delivered EE programs and policies

Tyson Slocum, Director, Public Citizen Energy Program
Jack Laverty, DSM Manager, Columbia Gas
Meg Power , Economic Opportunity Studies, Inc.

Break-out Session D: Seeking middle ground on institutional arrangement for delivering EE – outlook for hybrid approaches

Dan York, Utilities Program Director, ACEEE;
Sue Coakley, Executive Director, NE Energy Efficiency Partnership
Margie Harris, Executive Director, Energy Trust of Oregon

Break-out Session E: Broadening and deepening appliance efficiency standards through involvement of energy providers

Tom Catania, Executive in Residence, Ross School of Business
Anand Gopal, Senior Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley Lab
Joanna Mauer, Technical Advocacy Coordinator, Appliance Standards Awareness Project

Session 6.  Group break-out session results. Each break-out session will report out their results, beginning with the rapporteur reports followed by Q&A. Moderator: Larry Mansueti, State and Regional Assistance Program Director, US DOE Office of Electricity

Group A Report: Steve Nadel, Executive Director, ACEEE
Group B Report: Graham Pugh, Office of International Climate Change Policy and Technology, US DOE
Group C Report: Miles Keogh, Director of Grants and Research, NARUC
Group D Report: Ursula Schryver, VP of Education and Customer Programs, APPA
Group E Report: Christine Salembier, COO, Regulatory Assistance Project

Session 7.  Closing plenary – the future of energy efficiency policies for energy providers.  In this last session invited speakers will present their views on the way forward on policies for energy provider delivery of energy efficiency. Moderator: Amit Bando, Executive Director, International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation

Using regulations and markets to broaden and deepen the savings delivered by energy providers
Cheryl Roberto, Commissioner, Ohio PUC

The future role of energy provider-delivered energy efficiency in national energy policy
Annamaria Garcia, Program Manager, Office of Weatherization and Intergovernmental Programs, US DOE

The National Energy Savings Initiative - a potential way forward for Australia
Chris Golding, Energy Efficiency Policy Advisor, Australian Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency

Harmonious delivery of energy and energy efficiency: emerging business models for providers
Steven Malnight, Vice President, Customer Energy Solutions, Pacific Gas and Electric