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Policies for Energy Provider Delivery of Energy Efficiency

Workshop — Brussels, Belgium


The IEA together with its working partner the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) undertook a new work programme focussing on energy efficiency and energy providers. Formulated under the auspices of the International Partnership on Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC) and led by the UK’s Department of Energy and Climate Change, the Policies for Energy Provider Delivery of Energy Efficiency (PEPDEE) activity has been established to promote co-operation and knowledge-sharing on how energy providers can improve the energy efficiency of their customers. Other participating governments included the US, Australia, and the European Commission.

PEPDEE seeks to facilitate co-operation and knowledge-sharing among IEA and IPEEC member countries on how energy providers can improve the efficiency of gas and electricity customers and what regulators and governments can do to mobilize such efforts. PEPDEE’s objective is to improve collaboration by all stakeholders on regulatory mechanisms and programme designs that save energy. In co-operation with UK DECC and the European Commission’s DG-Energy, the IEA and the Regulatory Assistance Project delivered an EU-focused workshop on Policies for Energy Provider Delivery of Energy Efficiency at the European Commission’s Charlemagne Building on 18-19 January 2012. The workshop included presentations by energy providers, energy regulators, consumer advocates, the energy efficiency industry, and governments, as well as the IEA and RAP.

This was one of several regional policy dialogues to be held as part of the PEPDEE effort. Other policy dialogues, hosted by governments and co-sponsored by regulators and energy provider associations, are being held in Australia, China, and North America.

Workshop Report


Opening speech
Mr. Philip Lowe, Director General, DG-Energy

Session 1. Introductory plenary. This session introduces the IPEEC Subtask on Policies for Energy Provider Delivery of Energy Efficiency (PEPDEE) and its potential contributions to policy development in the EU, North America, and elsewhere. Chaired by Tom Bastin of UK DECC

Introducing the IPEEC-PEPDEE project
Grayson Heffner, Senior Energy Efficiency Analyst, IEA

International trends towards energy provider-delivered energy efficiency
Richard Cowart, European Programme Director, Regulatory Assistance Project

Energy Provider obligations under the proposed Energy Efficiency Directive
Paul Hodson, Head of the Energy Efficiency Unit, DG-Energy

Session 2. Keynote presentations - the importance of energy efficiency obligations and recent EU experience. Three keynote presentations will describe the impact on business models, the future role of energy efficiency obligations for Europe, and results to date. Chaired by Grayson Heffner of the IEA

Introducing energy efficiency into energy provider business models
Martin Orrill, Head of Renewable Heating, British Gas New Energy

The role of energy efficiency obligations policy in meeting the EU’s 20-20 target
Peter Bach, Senior Policy Advisor, Danish Energy Authority; President, ECEEE

Results to date of energy provider-delivered energy efficiency in Europe
Eoin Lees, Senior Advisor, RAP Europe

Session 3. Stakeholder Panel Discussion. This session will provide stakeholder groups an opportunity to articulate their views on key issues which policies for energy provider-delivered energy efficiency should address. Chaired by Eoin Lees of RAP.

Key issues for electricity providers
Daniele Agostini, Enel, Chairperson, Eurelectric Energy Efficiency Working Group

Key issues for gas providers
Dr. Pauline Lawson, E.ON, Chairperson, Eurogas Supply & Markets Development Committee

Key issues for regulators
Pedro Verdelho, Electricity Efficiency Department Head, Energy Services Regulatory Authority, Portugal

Key consumer protection issues
Heidi Ranscombe, Senior Public Affairs Advocate, Consumer Focus UK

Key energy efficiency supplier issues
Adam McCarthy, Director of Government and Trade Relations, Johnson Controls

Session 4. Group Break-out Discussion Sessions. There will be four parallel break-out sessions, each focused on a particular technical issue which any policy for energy provider delivery of energy efficiency must address. The purpose of the break-out sessions is to better understand each issue, appreciate the often-different perspectives on how to address each issue, and to search for common ground amongst stakeholders and experts. Each group break-out discussion session will have an assigned moderator and rapporteur.

Group Break-out Discussion Session A: Choosing which end-use sectors are covered and why
Presentations by Marcella Pavan, Italian Regulatory Authority for Electricity and Gas (AEEG), and Thibaut Leinekugel le Cocq, Deputy Head of Office, French Directorate General of Climate and Energy Efficiency
Moderator: Nicola Rega, Eurelectric

Group Break-out Discussion Session B: Realizing the business opportunities created by energy efficiency obligations – what are the issues for energy providers and regulators?
Presentations by Marielle Liikanen, Chair of CEER Retail Market Functioning Task Force, and Randall Bowie, Rockwool
Moderator: Jan Henrik Conrady, Communications and Public Affairs Director, Vattenfall Europe AG

Group Break-out Discussion Session C: Pros and cons of including tradable certificates as part of obligations policies
Presentations by Caiman Cahill, European Commission DG-JRC Institute for Environment and Sustainability, and Rouzbeh Rezakhanlous, Commercial Strategy Department, EDF
Moderator: Peter Bach, Danish Energy Agency

Group Break-out Discussion Session D: Incorporating social considerations into energy efficiency obligations policies
Presentations by Darryl Croft, Senior Researcher,
Association for the Conservation of Energy, and Frances Williamson, Head of Policy and External Relations, UK Energy Retail Association
Moderator: Pirjo-Liisa Koskimaki, Advisor, DG-Energy 12.30-14.00 LUNCH

Session 5. Group break-out session results. Each break-out session will report out their results, beginning with the rapporteur reports followed by Q&A.

Group A report
Rapporteur: Graham Pugh, US DOE

Group B report
Rapporteur: Stefan Scheuer, Secretary General, Coalition for Energy Savings

Group C report
Rapporteur: Stjohn O’Connor, Dept. of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources

Group D report
Rapporteur: Maria Mendiluce , World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

Session 6. Closing plenary - the way forward. In this last session invited speakers will present their views on the way forward on policies for energy provider delivery of energy efficiency

Energy efficiency services – a promising new business for energy providers
Ulrik Stridbaek, Head of the Regulatory Affairs Group, Dong Energy

The way forward to meeting the 20/20 target
Tom Bastin , UK DECC and PEPDEE Task Leader

Summary of the Day – Eoin Lees of RAP and Grayson Heffner of the IEA