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Meeting of the Energy Statistics Development Group

Event — Paris, France

The Energy Statistics Development Group will take place on 19 - 20 February 2019 in Paris. 


DAY 1 – Tuesday 19th February 2019

Update from the IEA and overview of the meeting – Duncan Millard, EDC/IEA
Welcome Paul Simons – DED, IEA

Session 1: Annual data collection via the Joint Questionnaires
WEO 2018 and the importance of the underlying energy data – Brent Wanner, WEO/IEA
Update and review of changes to questionnaires and process, issues faced?
Oil and Gas–Faidon Papadimoulis, EDC/IEA
Electricity and Renewables Samantha Mead, EDC/IEA
Other issues on annual data: problematical topics
EVO: feedback on use - ideas for changes– Ivo Letra, EDC/IEA
Progress on the “trials” and prioritisation including PCWG–Otto Swertz (CBS), Angela Ortega, EDC/IEA

Session 2: Developments on other annual data collection
International cooperation on energy efficiency – Roberta Quadrelli, EDC/IEA
The 2019 data collection rounds and new voluntary collection – Mafalda Silva, EDC/IEA
The experience of France on disaggregation of services energy consumption – Nicolas Riedinger, Ministère de l’Environnement, de l'Energie et de la Mer (SOeS)
RDD and Mission Innovation – Rémi Gigoux, EDC/IEA
Energy prices: OECD and beyond – Elvira Sumalinog & Domenico Lattanzio, EDC/IEA

Session 3: Developments in short term data collection
Monthly Electricity – Laura Mari Martinez, EDC/IEA
Monthly Oil and Gas (including update on JODI) – Dionysia Lyngopoulou, Steve Gervais, EDC/IEA

DAY 2 – Wednesday 20th February 2019

Sessions 4: Improving data quality
Update on timing, process, impact of report cards – Samantha Mead/Jungyu Park, EDC/IEA
Additional steps IEA or countries could be taking

Session 5: Global energy data outreach
Overview – Duncan Millard, EDC/IEA
Update on activity with Association countries – Céline Rouquette, EDC/IEA
Update from Association countries (TBC)
Ongoing work of energy data management & association of IEA and NITI Aayog - Manoj Kumar Upadhyay, NITI Aayog, India
InterEnerStat 2018 and related activity for the IEA including Estimation Manual, maintaining the relevance of energy statistics – Duncan Millard, EDC/IEA
SDMX – Stève Gervais, EDC/IEA

Session 6: Training and capacity building
Update including webinars, translations, plans for 2019 etc – Axelle Julin, EDC/IEA

Session 7: Early Energy Statistics
APEC experience of quarterly data collection - Ms. Elvira T. Gelindon, Senior Researcher, Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre
Towards earlier demand-data: opportunities and gaps – Roberta Quadrelli/Angela Ortega, EDC/IEA
Early CO2 emissions – Francesco Mattion, EDC/IEA

Session 8: Changes in the energy system
The Outlook for Hydrogen – Peter Levi, ETP/IEA
Hydrogen, issues for energy statistics – Julian Prime, EDC/IEA
Electrification, digitalisation and increasing data needs– Aidan Kennedy, EDC/IEA
Digitalisation - Niklas Notstrand, Senior Adviser Statistics and Methodology, Swedish Energy Agency
Update on work on district cooling - Ms. Elvira T. Gelindon, Senior Researcher, Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre

Session 9: Conclusions
Conclusions – Duncan Millard