IEA-NEA Nuclear Technology Roadmap Update Workshop
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The IEA, together with the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) held its third and final nuclear roadmap stakeholder dialogue meeting.
The meeting brought together key stakeholders from industry, government, finance and other relevant organisations to review preliminary milestones and recommendations for the IEA/NEA’s Nuclear Roadmap Update to be published in late 2014.
In 2010, the IEA and the NEA released a Nuclear Energy Technology Roadmap which outlined the steps needed to accelerate the development of nuclear power and its role in achieve deep greenhouse-gas emissions reduction. Both the global energy sector and the outlook for nuclear have changed significantly since then and an update of this roadmap is currently underway.
Participants List
Workshop Summary
Overview of roadmap update process
Cecilia Tam, Energy Technology Policy Division, IEA
Summary from Paris and Hong Kong workshops
Short presentation from Ian Emsley/Barry Kaufer WNA on Paris workshop and Didier Cordero, EDF on Hong Kong workshop
Session 1:
Short presentation from Véronique Decobert, Westinghouse
Session 2a: Draft milestones and recommendations for fuel cycle development
Short presentation from Jérome Brueziere, Areva
Session 2b: Draft milestones and recommendations for licensing and regulation
Session 3a: Draft milestones and recommendations for capacity development
Session 3b: Draft milestones and recommendations for financing nuclear
Short presentation from Grigory Kazakov, Rosatom Overseas
Session 4: Public acceptance and communication
Presentation from Beat Bechtold, Burson-Marsteller
Session 5: Roundtable – Final remarks and recommendations for key messages
Moderator: Ron Cameron, NEA