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IEA at COP28: Uganda Energy Transition Plan and In-Depth Energy Policy Review

Paris Time
Event — Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Background information

Dubai time: 5 December 2023, 11:00-12:00.

Uganda’s Energy Transition Plan (ETP) frames the energy sector development needed for economic transformation and universal energy access for a sustainable, affordable, and secure future. The ETP articulates a realistic yet ambitious scenario for Uganda’s energy development and economic transformation using the country’s local resources. It also provides the groundwork for Uganda to carry out an Integrated Energy Resource Master Plan (IERMP) in subsequent years. The plan, which was developed in partnership with the IEA, will provide a roadmap for Uganda’s energy industries to engage with investors on the much-needed efforts to increase energy access and clean energy investments in Uganda.

This event, organised by the IEA in collaboration with the Ugandan Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD) and Agence Française de Développement (AFD), aims to present Uganda's In-Depth Review and Energy Transition Plan (ETP) which will outline a realistic yet ambitious pathway for Uganda's energy transition and economic development, leveraging the nation’s local resources and building on the recommendations of the IEA’s In-Depth Energy Policy Review (IDR) of Uganda. The event seeks to address challenges, foster collaboration, and promote sustainable energy solutions aligned with global climate goals. Participants will explore how the IDR and ETP contribute to Uganda's path towards a greener and more resilient future.

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