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Hydrogen in the energy system decarbonization

Paris Time


Hydrogen has been used mainly as feedstocks for industrial applications. Nowadays, hydrogen is expected to be introduced as a new energy carrier that will play a key role in the success of decarbonization, in the industrial, transportation, and building sectors, or as a sector coupling between these sectors. Countries around the world are developing new hydrogen strategies and policies to promote the use of hydrogen through cost reduction and demand creation. The production of hydrogen has traditionally been carried out by extracting hydrogen from hydrocarbon resources, but in the near future, the use of renewable energy sources and CO2-recovery fossil fuels will enable the reduction of CO2emissions.
This webinar will look at the hydrogen in the clean energy transition from different angles: hydrogen strategies in energy and industrial policies, challenges in zero-carbon emission hydrogen energy carrier production with large-scale demand creation, research and development priorities in international cooperation.
Each session will start with presentations from leading experts followed by discussion.

The Institute of Applied Energy

The Institute of Applied Energy (IAE) is a nonprofit organization conducting technology related research in broad energy areas. To secure stable energy supplies and address global environmental issues, strategic planning and implementation from long-term and global perspectives are prerequisites. The IAE conducts studies and organizes projects with broad network among industry, academia and the government. The activities of IAE are supported by the contributions from industry members and research contracts with government agencies, private industries.

IEA Committee on Energy Research and Technology (CERT) and EGRD

The International Energy Agency’s Committee on Energy Research and Technology (CERT) co-ordinates and promotes the development, demonstration and deployment of technologies to meet challenges in the energy sector. The CERT has established four working parties: the Working Party on Fossil Energy; the Working Party on Renewable Energy Technologies; the Working Party on Energy End-Use Technologies; and the Fusion Power Co-ordinating Committee. Experts’ groups such as the EGRD are also created under the CERT. EGRD is an informal advisory group under CERT with the role of supporting CERT delegates with advice on R&D priority-setting and the linkage to governmental policy objectives, methods and approaches for evaluation of R&D activities, and understanding of emerging and systematic R&D topics. Recent topics include: Evaluating the impacts of energy innovation policies (2021), Circularity in the Clean Energy Transition (2021), The role of behavioural aspects for reaching net zero emissions by 2050 (2021), Energy infrastructures: public acceptance (2020), Energy Islands: Developing Renewable Energy Hubs (2020) and Energy Communities (2020).
Workshop summaries are available here: