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G20 Energy Transition Working Group: Doubling Energy Efficiency

Paris Time
Event — Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Event background

At COP28, 197 countries committed to scaling up efforts to double global energy efficiency progress this decade, echoing the consensus reached at the 8th Energy Efficiency Conference in Versailles in 2023. Last week, on May 21st and 22nd, international leaders from government, businesses and international organisations came together in Nairobi during the IEA’s 9th Annual Global Conference on Energy Efficiency to discuss how to accelerate action and momentum towards this objective. Every country should take ambitious actions, taking into consideration diverse starting points, national circumstances, and the unique realities of different regions.

Following the Energy Transitions Working Group's priority on debating the global transition scenario towards using clean and sustainable energy sources and the paths towards a fair, accessible and inclusive energy transition, this side event will build up discussion on what action-oriented steps across key sectors, governments should take to move towards the doubling energy efficiency goal, implementing more ambitious energy efficiency policies, and promoting more significant financing of energy efficiency solutions.


To achieve a doubling of energy efficiency this decade, we need to learn and replicate from successful experiences in implementing comprehensive energy efficiency policies and expanding financing. The side event will consist in a panel discussion format to explore the main challenges, key factors and policies that key stakeholders can learn to achieve the global energy efficiency doubling target and the role of international cooperation in promoting more significant technical and financing energy efficiency solutions.

The session will provide a platform for discussions between international experts on the development and implementation of effective policy, as well as highlighting global best practices.


Opening remarks (10 minutes)

  • M. Saood AINoori, Director, Stakeholder Management, Diplomatic Engagement, COP28 UAE

Opening presentation (10 minutes)

  • Doubling energy efficiency by 2030. Ms. Jane Cohen, Senior Policy Analyst, IEA

Exchange of policy and financing mechanisms experience for building a G20 energy efficiency policy toolkit to double the rate of progress of energy efficiency (90 minutes)

Moderator: M. Gustavo Masili, Ministry of Mines and Energy, Director of information, studies and energy efficiency, Brazil

This panel will bring together global experts to discuss and share successful experiences in implementing sectoral energy efficiency policies and financing mechanisms that could help and inspire other countries to achieve the global energy efficiency doubling target.

After each panellist will have introduced their programme/funding mechanism, there will be a round of questions focusing on the key aspects for successful replication. 

  • Effective policy package to improve energy efficiency in the industry sector. Experiences from Denmark. Deputy Permanent Secretary M. Christian Stenberg from the Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities.
  • Energy retrofit grants. Singapore’s Green Mark Incentive Scheme for Existing Buildings 2.0. Ms. Adeline Lim, Senior Analyst, External Relations, EMA (Energy Market Authority).
  • Energy efficiency obligation schemes. Ms. Djane Melo, Energy Transition Coordinator at the Innovation and Energy Transition Secretariat, ANEEL (Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency).
  • Financing instruments to help scale up energy efficiency actions. M. Fernando Branger, Senior Executive in the Physical Infrastructure and Digital Transformation Office, Latin American Development Bank.
  • Energy Efficiency Investment. Experiences from the European Energy Efficiency Financing Coalition. M. Laurent Javaudin, Energy Counsellor at the EU Delegation in Brazil.

Closing remarks (10 minutes)

  • Ms. Jane Cohen, Senior Policy Analyst, IEA